Revision history for perl module Contenticious
0.35 2015-02-23
- updated prerequisites
0.333 2013-11-28
- changed DOM tests to use attr instead of the deprecated attrs (M. 4.20)
0.332 2012-12-11
- forgot to add the latest M::P::RelativeUrlFor changes to deps - sorry!
0.331 2012-12-09
- added a dummy base url for M::P::Subdispatch to correctly generate
relative urls
0.33 2012-10-31
- disabled RelativeUrlFor's replace_url_for and switched to manual
IMPORTANT: maybe you have to replace url_for with rel_url_for in
your existing inflated templates!
0.328 2012-09-13
- temporarily disabled the (not so important) mount test
because FindBin dies in Mojo::Server
0.327 2012-09-11
- replaced Mojo::Command by Mojolicious::Command (Joel Berger)
0.326 2012-08-30
- removed MOJO_APP usage
0.325 2012-04-29
- removed a small incompatibility in content.html.ep (%== instead of b)
0.324 2012-03-27
- increased Mojolicious version because of a small inflate command bug
0.323 2012-03-27
- updated Mojolicious::Renderer->default_template_class
and Mojolicious::Static->root calls
- added hypnotoad configuration documentation
0.322 2012-03-08
- a better Makefile.PM with MIN_PERL_VERSION and META informations
0.321 2012-03-06
- fixed a bug in t/06_script.t (tinita, stephan48)
cpantesters reports should be much "greener" now
0.32 2012-03-05
- updated README (Contenticious is on CPAN now)
- added morbo support
0.311 2012-03-03
- changed nothing important, just needed to bump the version number
to be able to upload tarball to CPAN (my fault)
0.31 2012-02-22
- fixed windows compatibility for the script test (stephan48)
0.3 2012-02-21
- really installable app with a standalone contenticious script
0.2 2012-01-12
- rewrite with and everything
0.1 2010-01-15
- first version