0.7 2021-06-24
- BREAKING CHANGE: lift minimum perl version to 5.20 by using signatures
- Use Carp::croak instead of die to get errors out of caller's perspective
0.6 2018-11-26
- BREAKING CHANGE: Serialization API has changed and uses YAML instead of Storable
- Transparent refactoring of internal event registration and handling
0.51 2018-08-24
- No relevant changes, but a version bump was neccessary because I broke my MANIFEST file. Sorry! :-)
0.5 2018-08-20
- Introduce slack mode (state consistency vulnerable but fast!)
0.43 2018-08-17
- Improve earlier/later substream performance
- Improve cache usage performance
0.41 2018-08-06
- Add a summary method to event classes
0.4 2018-07-17
- Rename the cache_size attribute to cache_distance
0.3 2018-06-21
- Some internal interface changes to satisfy Perl::Critic:
- Rename ES::T::store to store_to_file to improve API consistency
- Rename ES::T::EventStream::length to size to avoid clashes with the built-in function
- Rename ES::T::EventStream::until to before to improve API consistency
- Rename ES::T::Logger::log to log_event to avoid clashes with the built-in function
0.22 2018-06-20
- Fix POD (@manwar)
- Use Class::Tiny instead of Mo (@tobyink)
- Improve test suite
0.21 2018-06-17
- Add POD documentation to all classes
0.2 2018-06-04
- Improved logging flexibility
0.1 2018-03-22
- First usable version for further testing
- Snapshots and event substreams
- Customizable event logging
- File system event storage
- Transparent snapshot caching