v0.110240 - 2011-01-24
- Added use_ok tests
- Better usage messages for bin/route53
- Fix for wildcard records: use \052
v0.110090 - 2011-01-09
- Use either ~/.aws-secrets or another keyfile for credentials
- Use given key and id for credentials
- Get list of hosted zones for the account
- Create a new hosted zone, optionally waiting for the request to be completed
- Delete a hosted zone, optionally waiting for the request to be completed
- Get nameservers details for a hosted zone
- List all records in a hosted zone
- List records matching a name, type, ttl or values for a hosted zone
- Delete a record matching a name, type, ttl or value for a hosted zone
- Create a new record of given name, type, ttl and value(s) for a hosted zone