2003-06-27 11:34  mgrimes

	* MANIFEST, Makefile.PL: Fixed the Makefile autogeneration of the

2003-06-27 10:16  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Added some TODO related items to the pod.

2003-06-27 10:14  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Added the VERSION variable.

2003-06-27 10:09  mgrimes

	* t/lirc-client.t: Added test code to examine the
	  recongized_commands method.

2003-06-27 10:00  mgrimes

	* Changes, MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README.head, samples/lircrc:
	  Initial revision

2003-06-27 10:00  mgrimes

	* Changes, MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README.head, samples/lircrc:
	  Moving Lirc::Client out of RRoadie

2003-06-27 09:37  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Cleaned up the formatting and a few comments.

2002-10-09 14:30  mgrimes

	* t/lirc-client.t: Getting ready for the 0.10 release.

2002-07-16 19:33  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Tweaked the mode control.

2002-04-05 13:28  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Additional documentation.

2002-04-05 10:24  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Added documentation.

2002-02-04 09:06  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Minimized the debugging output if the DEBUG
	  flag is not set.

2002-01-31 04:39  mgrimes

	* t/lirc-client.t: Revised makefile to automatically place the
	  config files in the user home directory.

2002-01-31 02:02  mgrimes

	* t/lirc-client.t: Creating test script to check lirc::client is
	  loadalbe, etc.

2002-01-30 08:04  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Made modifications to look for files in their
	  new locations.

2002-01-24 07:33  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Initial import of mp3tools.

2002-01-24 07:33  mgrimes

	* lib/Lirc/Client.pm: Initial revision