Changes for Perl::Tidy::Sweetend
0.21 - Wed Oct 2 12:45:51 EDT 2013
Adds support for the new p5-mop syntax
- Introduces a plugin to support twigils
- Generalizes the SubSignature plugin to work with keywords that start
Further abstracts the creation of new subroutine filters
Builds on Kent Fredric's plugin abstraction to make the parameter list,
return type, and any other clause definable.
0.20 - Mon May 6 11:16:28 EDT 2013
Significant refactoring (by Kent Fredric++) to make the filters pluggable.
- Fixes RT#85076 bug (support for returns() syntax)
- Switches to named captures to make the regex more clear (ok, since we
already require 5.010 for the balanced paranes)
- Stores signature (and any returns() declaration) externally rather
than in the code via comments. Nice idea Kent++.
- Adds a .perltidyrc file so all contributers style will be consistent
0.19 - Fri Apr 26 10:20:13 EDT 2013
Removes unnecessary (?^:) wrapper around paren regex. Bumps req to 5.10
The (?^ cluster is causing failures on pre-5.14 version of perl. It does
not appear to be necessary given our use of the regex. On the other
hand, the use of (?-1) was added in 5.10, so let's bump the perl
requirement back to 5.10 (it is hard to imagine anyone using modern
method syntax on a pre-5.10 perl).
0.18 - Fri Apr 26 09:43:24 EDT 2013
Fixes bug where balanced parens in the parameters list were not correctly
formatted (RT#84868).
Minor tweaks:
- Adds Perl::Tidy::Sweet as an alternate module name.
- Changes hash bang for the perltidier script so it is rewritten at install.
- Drops minimum perl version to 5.8
- Adds travis-ci config file
0.17 - Mon Feb 25 15:53:33 EST 2013
Fixes RT#83511 - empty parameter list improperly rewritten
- Addresses a bug, reported by Kent Fredric, where "method for() {" was
converted to "method foo { ()"
0.16 - Fri Feb 8 16:19:37 EST 2013
Bumps the perl version requirement
We want to use \K in our regexps. This was introduced in 5.10. Since
the purpose of this is to support modern Perl syntax, we'll just
assume users are using a modern version of perl.
0.15 - Wed Nov 28 17:53:06 EST 2012
Adds missing prereq
0.14 - Wed Sep 5 14:54:50 EDT 2012
Fixes lingering typos
0.13 - Wed Sep 5 14:51:21 EDT 2012
Fixes lingering typos
0.12 - Tue Sep 4 22:39:26 EDT 2012
Fixes typo in package name, adds pod and comments
0.11 - Tue Sep 4 20:03:08 EDT 2012
Improves testing setup and implements formatting for "func"
0.10 - Wed Aug 22 11:53:23 EDT 2012
Initial implementation. Much of the code and the idea come from
Jonathan Swartz's blog post: