Revision history for Perl extension Gruntmaster::Data.

5999.000_011 2014-12-07T00:55+02:00
 - Make problem value NOT NULL
 - Add contest_start and contest_stop to pb_entry
 - Use perlcritic
 - Add a "solution" column to problem

5999.000_010 2014-10-05T00:32+03:00
 - Depend on PerlX::Maybe
 - Switch from to JSON::MaybeXS

5999.000_009 2014-09-28T00:02+03:00
 - Add page information to job_list
 - Prevent experimental reference usage warnings

5999.000_008 2014-08-03T00:25+03:00
 - Add a method for computing standings.
 - Depend on Authen::Passphrase(::BlowfishCrypt)
 - Fix bugs in user_list and set_passphrase

5999.000_007 2014-07-20T01:38+03:00
 - Add some utility functions.

5999.000_006 2014-05-25T00:02+03:00
 - Attempt to use correct perl in tools.t

5999.000_005 2014-05-17T12:30+03:00
 - Depend on DBIx::Class directly

5999.000_004 2014-05-17T10:52+03:00
 - Build-Depend on SQL::Translator
 - Fix version

5999.000_003 2014-05-16T19:31+03:00
 - Use Postgres (via DBIx::Class) instead of Redis
 - Change license to perl
 - Improve tools
 - Add tests

5999.000_002 2014-02-28T18:07+02:00
 - Move most problem attributes outside problem_meta
 - Add the HGETALL Redis command
 - Add functions for getting/setting the last submit time of a user.

5999.000_001 2014-02-02T01:01+02:00
 - Initial release