Revision history for Perl extension Pod::Constants.

0.18 2015-07-19T16:25+03:00
 - New maintainer
 - Relicense from Artistic-2+ OR GPL-3+ to plain Artistic-2
 - Apply spelling patch from gregoa @ Debian (RT #72452)
 - Add a test for delete_hook

 - Move POD after __END__
 - Use warnings and our instead of vars
 - Simplify tests
 - Don't use Pod::Constants in Pod::Constants
 - Make perlcritic a bit happier

 [Packaging fixes]
 - Remove extraneous files
 - Move module to lib/
 - Write a modern Makefile.PL (RT #80631)
 - Rewrite Changes in CPAN::Changes::Spec format

0.17 2015-03-10
 - Drop ugly hack to get FULLPERL (RT #61780)

0.16 2007-10-21T21:55:59+13:00
 - Lots of boring release engineering. Imported to git, etc.
 - Removed the debian/ directory.
 - Updated the license (now not just Artistic)

0.15 2002-04-08T19:43:38+01:00
 - Really fixed lack of re-entrancy, added test script for same

0.14 2002-04-08T17:34:35+01:00
 - Fixed lack of re-entrancy
 - Fixed CR/LF handling properly

0.13 2002-01-23T16:55:59Z
 - Fixed regular expression bug affecting perl versions <= 5.005.

0.12 2001-12-10T16:21:54Z
 - Added add_hook and delete_hook function
 - more details on man page

0.11 2001-11-20T18:24:34Z
 - Corrected man page, added section on automatic Makefile.PL generation

0.10 2001-11-10T01:14:00Z
 - Added support for importing data into hashes, arrays, and processing
   with closures.
 - not released to world at large (man page incorrect)

0.02 2001-11-02T04:15:54Z
 - now handles "perl -c" properly

0.01 2001-10-15T19:39:20Z
 - original version.  scalars only.