1.00  (r858, 2012-08-28)

* New utilities:
*    ttf2woff
*    ttfascent
*    ttffeatparams
*    ttflang2tuner
*    ttfsubset
* Integrated SIL TypeTuner into Font-TTF-Scripts
* Bug fixes and/or new capabilities in
*    add_clases
*    addfont
*    addpath
*    Examples/ttfprintot.pl
*    Examples/ttfstriphints.pl
*    fret
*    make_gdl
*    make_volt
*    sfd2ap
*    ttf2volt
*    ttfbuilder
*    ttfname
*    ttfname
*    ttfsetver
*    ttftable
*    volt2ap
*    volt2ttf
* New Examples
*    ttfcompare.pl
*    ttfgetname.pl
*    ttfmetrics.pl
*    ttfsortcover.pl
* EOL and executable SVN properties cleaned up
* Copyright and licensing updated to CPAN requirements

0.16.1  (r693, 2010-12-14)

* Release with working tests

0.16  (r691, 2010-12-14)

* ttfname now expects/returns utf8 strings.
* Bug fixes and/or new capabilities in
*    sfd2ap
*    ttfbuilder
*    ttfeval
*    ttfname
*    ttfremap
* New Examples
*    ttfdiff.pl

0.15.1  (r672, 2009-11-27)

* New utilities:
*    sdfmerge
* Bug fixes and/or new capabilities in
*    sdfmeld

0.15  (r665, 2009-11-16)

* Support debian packaging
* New utilities:
*    sdfmeld
* Bug fixes and/or new capabilities in
*    ttfbuilder
*    volt2ttf

0.14  (r639, 2009-07-27)

* New utilities:
*    sdfaddap
*    ttfeval
* Bug fixes and/or new capabilities in
*    ttfbuilder
* New Examples
*    apexpr.pl
*    fixmaxcontext.pl
*    volt2ps.pl

0.13  (r586, 2009-02-12)

* New utilities:
*    ttfdeflang
* New Examples
*    ttfprintot.pl

0.12  (r574, 2009-01-05)

0.11  (r.518, 2008-05-25)

* New utilities:
*    dumpfont