package Text::PDF::TTFont;

=head1 NAME

Text::PDF::TTFont - Inherits from L<Text::PDF::Dict> and represents a TrueType
font within a PDF file.


A font consists of two primary parts in a PDF file: the header and the font
descriptor. Whilst two fonts may share font descriptors, they will have their
own header dictionaries including encoding and widhth information.


There are no instance variables beyond the variables which directly correspond
to entries in the appropriate PDF dictionaries.

=head1 METHODS


use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @cp1252 $subcount);
no warnings qw(uninitialized);

use Text::PDF::Dict;
use Text::PDF::Utils;
@ISA = qw(Text::PDF::Dict);

use Font::TTF::Font 0.23;

@cp1252 = (0 .. 127,
       0x20AC, 0x0081, 0x201A, 0x0192, 0x201E, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021,
       0x02C6, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0x008D, 0x017D, 0x008F,
       0x0090, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014,
       0x02DC, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203A, 0x0153, 0x009D, 0x017E, 0x0178,
       0xA0 .. 0xFF);

$subcount = "BXCJIM";

=head2 Text::PDF::TTFont->new($parent, $fontfname, $pdfname, %opts)

Creates a new font resource for the given fontfile. This includes the font
descriptor and the font stream. The $pdfname is the name by which this font
resource will be known throught a particular PDF file.

All font resources are full PDF objects.


sub new
    my ($class, $parent, $fontname, $pdfname, %opts) = @_;
    my ($self) = $class->SUPER::new;
    my ($f, $flags, $name, $subf, $s, $upem);
    my ($font, $w);

    foreach $f (keys %opts)
        $f =~ s/^\-//o || next;
        $self->{" $f"} = $opts{"-$f"};
    $self->{' outto'} = $parent;                    # only one host for a font
    if (ref($fontname))                             # $fontname is a font object
    { $font = $fontname; }
    { $font = Font::TTF::Font->open($fontname) || return undef; }

    $self->{' font'} = $font;
    $Font::TTF::Name::utf8 = 1;
    $self->{'Type'} = PDFName("Font");
    $self->{'Subtype'} = PDFName("TrueType");
    if ($self->{' subset'})
        $self->{' subname'} = "$subcount+";
    $name = $font->{'name'}->read->find_name(4) || return undef;
    $subf = $font->{'name'}->find_name(2);
    $name =~ s/\s//og;
    $name .= $subf if ($subf =~ m/^Regular$/oi);
    $self->{'BaseFont'} = PDFName($self->{' subname'} . $name);
    $self->{'Name'} = PDFName($pdfname);
# leave the encoding & widths, etc. until we know the glyph list

    $f = PDFDict();
    $parent->new_obj($f);                      # make this thing a true object
    $self->{'FontDescriptor'} = $f;
    $f->{'Type'} = PDFName("FontDescriptor");
    $upem = $font->{'head'}->read->{'unitsPerEm'};
    $f->{'Ascent'} = PDFNum(int($font->{'hhea'}->read->{'Ascender'} * 1000 / $upem));
    $f->{'Descent'} = PDFNum(int($font->{'hhea'}{'Descender'} * 1000 / $upem));

# find the top of an H or the null box! Or maybe we should just duck and say 0?
    $f->{'CapHeight'} = PDFNum(0);
#            int($font->{'loca'}->read->{'glyphs'}[$font->{'post'}{'STRINGS'}{"H"}]->read->{'yMax'}
#            * 1000 / $upem));
    $f->{'StemV'} = PDFNum(0);                       # no way!
    $f->{'FontName'} = $self->{'BaseFont'};
    $f->{'ItalicAngle'} = PDFNum($font->{'post'}->read->{'italicAngle'});
    $f->{'FontBBox'} = PDFArray(
            PDFNum(int($font->{'head'}{'xMin'} * 1000 / $upem)),
            PDFNum(int($font->{'head'}{'yMin'} * 1000 / $upem)),
            PDFNum(int($font->{'head'}{'xMax'} * 1000 / $upem)),
            PDFNum(int($font->{'head'}{'yMax'} * 1000 / $upem)));

    $flags = 4;
    $flags = 0;
    $flags |= 1 if ($font->{'OS/2'}->read->{'bProportion'} == 9);
    $flags |= 2 unless ($font->{'OS/2'}{'bSerifStyle'} > 10 && $font->{'OS/2'}{'bSerifStyle'} < 14);
    $flags |= 32; # if ($font->{'OS/2'}{'bFamilyType'} > 3);
    $flags |= 8 if ($font->{'OS/2'}{'bFamilyType'} == 2);
    $flags |= 64 if ($font->{'OS/2'}{'bLetterform'} > 8);
    $f->{'Flags'} = PDFNum($flags);
#    $f->{'MaxWidth'} = PDFNum(int($font->{'hhea'}{'advanceWidthMax'} * 1000 / $upem));
    $f->{'MissingWidth'} = PDFNum(int($font->{'hhea'}{'advanceWidthMax'} * 1000 / $upem) + 2);
    $f->{' notdef'} = PDFNum(".notdef");

    $s = PDFDict();
    $f->{'FontFile2'} = $s;
    $s->{'Length1'} = PDFNum(-s $font->{' fname'});
    $s->{'Filter'} = PDFArray(PDFName("FlateDecode"));
    $s->{' streamfile'} = $fontname unless ($self->{' subset'});

    $self->{' issymbol'} = $font->{'cmap'}{' mstable'}{'Platform'} == 3 && $font->{'cmap'}{' mstable'}{'Encoding'} == 0;
    unless ($opts{'-istype0'})
        $w = PDFArray(map {PDFNum(int($font->{'hmtx'}{'advance'}[$font->{'cmap'}->ms_lookup($_)] / $font->{'head'}{'unitsPerEm'} * 1000))}
                $self->{' issymbol'} ? (0xf000 .. 0xf0ff) : @cp1252);
        $self->{'Widths'} = $w;
    if ($self->{' subset'})
        $self->{' minCode'} = 255;
        $self->{' maxCode'} = 32;
    } else
        $self->{' minCode'} = 32;
        $self->{' maxCode'} = 255;

=head2 $t->width($text)

Measures the width of the given text according to the widths in the font


sub width
    my ($self, $text) = @_;
    my (@unis, $width);

    if ($self->{' issymbol'})
    { @unis = map {$_ + 0xf000} unpack("C*", $text); }
    { @unis = map {$cp1252[$_]} unpack("C*", $text); }

    foreach (@unis)
    { $width += $self->{' font'}{'hmtx'}{'advance'}[$self->{' font'}{'cmap'}->ms_lookup($_)]; }
    $width / $self->{' font'}{'head'}{'unitsPerEm'};

=head2 $t->trim($text, $len)

Trims the given text to the given length (in per mille em) returning the trimmed


sub trim
    my ($self, $text, $len) = @_;
    my ($i, $width);

    $len *= $self->{' font'}{'head'}{'unitsPerEm'};

    foreach (unpack("C*", $text))
        $width += $self->{' font'}{'hmtx'}{'advance'}[$self->{' font'}{'cmap'}->ms_lookup(
                $self->{' issymbol'} ? $_ + 0xf000 : $cp1252[$_])];
        last if ($width > $len);
    return substr($text, 0, $i);

=head2 $t->out_text($text)
Indicates to the font that the text is to be output and returns the text to be output


sub out_text
    my ($self, $text) = @_;

    if ($self->{' subset'})
        foreach (unpack("C*", $text))
            vec($self->{' subvec'}, $_, 1) = 1;
            $self->{' minCode'} = $_ if $_ < $self->{' minCode'};
            $self->{' maxCode'} = $_ if $_ > $self->{' maxCode'};
    return asPDFStr($text);

=head2 $f->copy

Copies the font object excluding the name, widths and encoding, etc.


sub copy
    my ($self, $pdf) = @_;
    my ($res) = {};
    my ($k);

    bless $res, ref($self);
    foreach $k ('Name', 'FirstChar', 'LastChar')
    { $res->{$k} = ""; }
    return $self->SUPER::copy($pdf, $res);

sub outobjdeep
    my ($self, $fh, $pdf, %opts) = @_;
    return $self->SUPER::outobjdeep($fh, $pdf) if defined $opts{'passthru'};

    my ($f) = $self->{' font'};
    my ($d) = $self->{'FontDescriptor'};
    my ($s) = $d->{'FontFile2'};
    my ($vec, $ffh, $i, $t, $k, $maxuni, $minuni);

    $self->{'FirstChar'} = PDFNum($self->{' minCode'});
    $self->{'LastChar'} = PDFNum($self->{' maxCode'});
    splice(@{$self->{'Widths'}{' val'}}, 0, $self->{' minCode'});
    splice(@{$self->{'Widths'}{' val'}}, $self->{' maxCode'} - $self->{' minCode'} + 1, $#{$self->{'Widths'}{' val'}});
    if ($self->{' subset'})
        $maxuni = 0; $minuni = 0xffff;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
            if (vec($self->{' subvec'}, $i, 1))
                $t = $self->{' issymbol'} ? $i + 0xf000 : $cp1252[$i];
                $maxuni = $t if $t > $maxuni;
                $minuni = $t if $t < $minuni;
                vec($vec, $f->{'cmap'}->ms_lookup($t), 1) = 1;
            elsif ($i >= $self->{' minCode'} && $i <= $self->{' maxCode'})
            { $self->{'Widths'}{' val'}[$i - $self->{' minCode'}] = $d->{'MissingWidth'}; }
        for ($i = 0; $i < scalar @{$f->{'loca'}{'glyphs'}}; $i++)
            next if vec($vec, $i, 1);
            $f->{'loca'}{'glyphs'}[$i] = undef;
        $s->{' stream'} = "";
        $ffh = Text::PDF::TTIOString->new(\$s->{' stream'});
        $f->out($ffh, 'cmap', 'cvt ', 'fpgm', 'glyf', 'head', 'hhea', 'hmtx', 'loca', 'maxp', 'prep');
        $s->{'Length1'} = PDFNum(length($s->{' stream'}));

    $self->SUPER::outobjdeep($fh, $pdf, %opts);


package Text::PDF::TTIOString;

=head1 TITLE

Text::PDF::TTIOString - internal IO type handle for string output for font
embedding. This code is ripped out of IO::Scalar, to save the direct dependence
for so little. See IO::Scalar for details


sub new {
    my $self = bless {}, shift;
    $self->open(@_) if @_;

sub DESTROY { 

sub open {
    my ($self, $sref) = @_;

    # Sanity:
    defined($sref) or do {my $s = ''; $sref = \$s};
    (ref($sref) eq "SCALAR") or die "open() needs a ref to a scalar";

    # Setup:
    $self->{Pos} = 0;
    $self->{SR} = $sref;

sub close {
    my $self = shift;
    %$self = ();

sub getc {
    my $self = shift;
    # Return undef right away if at EOF; else, move pos forward:
    return undef if $self->eof;  
    substr(${$self->{SR}}, $self->{Pos}++, 1);

sub getline {
    my $self = shift;

    # Return undef right away if at EOF:
    return undef if $self->eof;

    # Get next line:
    pos(${$self->{SR}}) = $self->{Pos}; # start matching at this point
    ${$self->{SR}} =~ m/(.*?)(\n|\Z)/g; # match up to newline or EOS
    my $line = $1.$2;                   # save it
    $self->{Pos} += length($line);      # everybody remember where we parked!
    return $line; 

sub getlines {
    my $self = shift;
    wantarray or croak("Can't call getlines in scalar context!");
    my ($line, @lines);
    push @lines, $line while (defined($line = $self->getline));

sub print {
    my $self = shift;
    my $eofpos = length(${$self->{SR}});
    my $str = join('', @_);

    if ($self->{'Pos'} == $eofpos)
        ${$self->{SR}} .= $str;
        $self->{Pos} = length(${$self->{SR}});
    } else
        substr(${$self->{SR}}, $self->{Pos}, length($str)) = $str;
        $self->{Pos} += length($str);

sub read {
    my ($self, $buf, $n, $off) = @_;
    die "OFFSET not yet supported" if defined($off);
    my $read = substr(${$self->{SR}}, $self->{Pos}, $n);
    $self->{Pos} += length($read);
    $_[1] = $read;
    return length($read);

sub eof {
    my $self = shift;
    ($self->{Pos} >= length(${$self->{SR}}));

sub seek {
    my ($self, $pos, $whence) = @_;
    my $eofpos = length(${$self->{SR}});

    # Seek:
    if    ($whence == 0) { $self->{Pos} = $pos }             # SEEK_SET
    elsif ($whence == 1) { $self->{Pos} += $pos }            # SEEK_CUR
    elsif ($whence == 2) { $self->{Pos} = $eofpos + $pos}    # SEEK_END
    else                 { die "bad seek whence ($whence)" }

    # Fixup:
    if ($self->{Pos} < 0)       { $self->{Pos} = 0 }
    if ($self->{Pos} > $eofpos) { $self->{Pos} = $eofpos }

sub tell { shift->{Pos} }
