Revision history for Class-Declarative
0.01 2010-02-15
Got this thing uploaded to CPAN, with unit tests actually checking it first.
0.02 2010-02-16
Upon restarting my work with Wx, immediately found egregious errors I had failed to test in the unit tests.
Like the source filter didn't work because I changed the start function to be called. Stupid stuff.
0.03 2010-02-17
Added magic variables, did more little fixes.
0.04 2010-07-02
Wrote a new parsing engine back in April. Got things working on a fresh install of Strawberry (moved to
a development laptop while traveling).
0.05 2010-07-09
Sigh. Forgot to add a file to MANIFEST.
0.06 2010-07-10
Added another file the manifest and fixed some little formatting issues.
0.07 2010-12-05
Changes to permit direct 'use' of semantic modules (e.g. 'use Wx::Declarative;' instead of 'use Class::Declarative qw(Wx::Declarative)')
Added the ability to load a node using an arrayref of its components (first line, then children) instead of having to pass a text.
Probably other stuff, but those two are the main reasons this version is being published.