Revision history for App-OTRS-CreateTicket

1.12  2013-10-09
 - Improve @ARGV decoding, assume utf8.
 - Cosmetic dist impovements.

1.11  2013-02-28
 - Decode @ARGV properly, arguments now can include non-ascii chars.

1.10  2013-02-27
 - Switched to x.xx style version numbering as this is easier 
   on CPAN.
 - Fixed source links.
 - Switched link to GenericTicketConnector.yml file to point to Github.

1.0.7 2012-12-24
 - Specified minimum perl version to 5.8.7 to fix test failures.

1.0.6 2012-12-19
 - Corrected POD UserLogin command line option.
 - Improved STDIN handling.
 - Closes file handle after reading body contents.

1.0.5 2012-08-29
 - Added option to load ticket body from a file or from STDIN.

1.0.4 2012-08-28
 - Make it work on perls < 5.16.

1.0.3 2012-08-28
 - Fixed dependencies in dist.ini.

1.0.2 2012-08-28
 - POD fix. Specified OTRS 3.1 as minimum version.

1.0.1 2012-08-28
 - Initial version packaged for CPAN.