0.72 2014-02-02
- Bugfix - @list = @_ not shift
0.71 2013-12-30
- Using Manifest.skip to exclude files and folders
0.7 2013-12-24
- Using cpanfile with dist::zilla
- Added before_for any before hooks
- e.g. before_template_render
- before_serializer
- before_file_render
- before_error_init
- etc...
0.6 2013-12-18
- Using one before sub for doing all the before-route checking
0.5 2013-12-13
- Add tests to covers more areas
0.4 2013-12-09
- Export the route checking helper
0.3 2013-12-09
- Update POD
- Using effective test cases
0.1 2013-12-06
- Initial release