Releases of SMB-Perl library and main changes.

0.06 - 2014-08-19

* Removed dependancy on Digest::HMAC_MD5 by fallback md5 implementation.
* Added new client functionality: download, upload.
* Added new class SMB::v2::Command::Write.

0.05 - 2014-08-13

* Fixed tests to pass on all platforms (Windows, OpenBSD; 32, 64 bits).
* Added more documentation.
* Added new client functionality: remove.

0.04 - 2014-08-09

* Fixed tests on some platforms and perl versions.
* Added ability to define user passwords on server.
* Made user authentication work using NTLM on server (LOGON_FAILURE).

0.03 - 2014-08-07

* Listed required modules to improve reports of CPAN Testers.
* Added initial documentation and more tests.

0.02 - 2014-08-05

* Initial release on CPAN.
* Transparent proxy functionality works.
* Some server functionality works: returning list of files.
* Some client functionality works: logon, getting list of files.