Changes for Crypt::ScryptKDF
- solaris: cannot find include file: <stdint.h> -
0.008_2 2015/06/11
- fix for
- scrypt_hash() - $salt can be be specified as a reference to scalar
number e.g. $salt=\24 means that salt will be 24 randomly generated bytes
- MSVC compatibility
0.008 2013/06/18
- tries Crypt::PRNG::random_bytes()
- MSVC related fixes
0.007 2013/06/17
- somehow works with perl 5.6.2
- improving CPANTS score
0.006 2013/04/19
- fixing cpan testers failure on netbsd
0.005 2013/04/17
- fixing cpan testers failure on pre 5.10.1
0.004 2013/04/09
- documentation fixes
- exported function random_bytes
0.003 2013/04/05
- ready for CPAN
0.002 2013/04/02
- compatibility with older Module::Build
0.001 2013/03/21
- initial version