Changes for CryptX
- VS2012:
- strange failures of 0.22:
- add support for PKCS#8 encrypted RSA+ECC private keys "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----"
- add CCM interface for new-add-add-done mode
- switch yarrow > fortuna for Crypt::PK::*
- RSA|DSA|ECC: verify_key($level) (basic check + extented primality test)
- better primality testing: (idea: mp_prime_lucas)
- DSA: generate_key($p, $q, $g), generate_key(\$dsa_params_der), generate_key($dsa_params_file)
- DH: generate_key($base, $prime), generate_key(\$dh_params_der), generate_key($dh_params_file)
- DH: key2hash should dump $base and $prime as well (perhasp add base, prime to dh_key struct)
- XS croaks should report the "real caller" (Crypt::Mac::*, Crypt::Mode::*, ...)
0.025_01 2015/10/22
- switch to JSON::MaybeXS
0.025 2015/07/07
- Crypt::PK::ECC+RSA export_key_jwk() allows to export a perl HASH with JWK structure
0.024 2015/06/29
- new Crypt::PK::ECC methods
- fix for Crypt::PK::RSA - bug in loading private key in JWK format
0.023 2015/06/10
- support for older compilers (gcc3, vc6)
- typo in documentation (by tomhukins)
0.022 2015/05/22
- new: Crypt::PK::ECC+RSA export_key_jwk() - exporting JWK format
- new: Crypt::Digest::SHA512_224
- new: Crypt::Digest::SHA512_256
- Crypt::PK::ECC+RSA import_key() - support for:
* public/private keys in JWK format
* private keys in PKCS8 PEM/DER format (unencrypted only)
- Crypt::PK::ECC+RSA+DSA import_key() - support for:
* public keys in SSH format
* public/private keys as a hashref exported via key2hash
- libtomcrypt updated to the latest develop branch, commit aeaa6d4a51 Apr 17 08:59:35 2015 +0200
- libtommath updated to the latest develop branch, commit 0fd5e6c17f Dec 11 14:59:35 2014 +0100
- documentation fixes
0.021 2014/01/23
- fixed asm(...) related compiler failures
- dsa_encrypt_key small correction
- optimized ecc_encrypt_key
0.020 2014/01/18
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: huge redesign of Crypt::PK::ECC
- ECC now supports curves y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b
- ECC you can use custom curves
- ECC import/export of keys in DER/PEM format now compatible with openssl
- enabling compile options ASM + ECC_TIMING_RESISTANT
- added many test vectors (RSA, DSA, EC) for interoperability with openssl
0.019 2013/10/20
- fixed broken CAMELLIA implementation
0.018 2013/10/18
- DSA: make_key + sign_hash fixes
0.017 2013/09/24
- lowering MIME::Base64 version requirement
- support for import/export of password protected RSA/DSA keys
- RSA: added - export_key_pem('public_x509')
- better handling of dh_free/rsa_free/dsa_free/ecc_free
- added openssl test vectors
- fixed compiler warnings (RSA/DSA/ECC/DH)
0.016 2013/09/15
- added missing test for key2hash, sign_hash, verify_hash
- fixed build failures on VC6
0.015 2013/09/12
- only documentation fixes
0.014 2013/09/11
- Crypt::Digest::NNN + Crypt::Mac::NNN - can produce Base64-URL-Safe encoded digest/mac
- Crypt::PRNG + Crypt::PRNG::NNN - Base64-URL-Safe encoded random bytes (random_bytes_b64u/bytes_b64u)
- Crypt::PK::RSA/DSA/DH/ECC - sign/verify replaced by sign_message/verify_message + sign_hash/verify_hash
- Crypt::PK::RSA/DSA/DH/ECC - new method key2hash
- documentation fixes
0.013 2013/08/28
- DSA/RSA/ECC/DH - importing keys from string changed - now: $pk->import_key(\$buffer_with_key)
- DSA/RSA/ECC/DH - size() and is_private() now return undef if no key loaded
- improved RSA doc
0.012 2013/06/17
- README, LICENSE etc. to improve CPANTS score
- somehow works with perl 5.6.2
0.011 2013/06/15
- fixing various compiler warnings
0.009 2013/05/19
- doc fixes
- requires perl 5.8.8 or higher
- INCOMPATIBILITY: all digest related 'xxx_base64' functions renamed to 'xxx_b64'
0.008 2013/05/02
- fixed prng test failures
- Crypt::Digest::* croaks with the "real caller" (not a nice solution)
0.007 2013/04/23
- Crypt::PRNG supports add_entropy() - without params
- Crypt::PRNG fork-safe & thread-safe
- random_string has default $len = 20
- doc fixes
- cpan tester failure fix for pk_dsa.t
0.006 2013/04/19
- added Crypt::KeyDerivation
- Win64 compatibility
0.005 2013/04/18
- added Crypt::PRNG::Fortuna|RC4|Sober128|Yarrow
- added Crypt::PK::RSA|DSA|ECC|DH
0.004 2013/04/16
- removing illegal Crypt::Random
0.003 2013/04/16
- added Crypt::Mode::CBC|CFB|CTR|ECB|OFB
- added Crypt::AuthEnc::CCM|EAX|GCM|OCB
0.002 2013/04/11
- first release on CPAN