Revision history for Perl extension Net::Abuse::Utils.
0.16 2013-08-25 23:15:13 EDT
- Require ONLINE_TESTS ENV variable be set for online tests.
0.15 2013-07-30 06:16:32 EDT
- Remove old Build.PL... ooops!
0.14 2013-07-29 01:02:00 EDT
- Convert to Milla for authoring tool
0.13 2012-12-06
- account for Net::DNS >= 0.69 converting SOA email record to address
0.12_01 2012-09-24
- [] added get_malware function based on:
0.12 2012-08-29
- [] test false failure bugfix
- [] get_asn_info and get_ipwi_contacts bug fixes
closes RT #73203 and RT #70209
- comment out some old DNSBLs and reorder output in
- add Wes Young to authors
0.11_01 2012-07-30
- [] added get_peer_info function
- Use /usr/bin/env perl for example script shebangs
0.11 Sun Sep 14 2009
- Moar Tests
- Check asn is a number in get_asn_country
0.10 Sun Dec 28 2008
- New get_domain function that converts host name to domain name
- Memoize support though commented out by default, enable by
uncommenting the following two lines in lib/Net/Abuse/
# use Memoize;
# memoize('_return_rr');
A future version will likely allow Memoization via an export tag.
0.09 Sun Jun 15 2008
- Fix META.yml issues that were missed in 0.08
0.08 Fri Jun 13 2008
- update output of get_as_description to make ARIN IPs match other
eg: THEPLANET-AS Internet Services, Inc.
0.07 Fri Mar 30 2008
- update regexs used by get_as_company to remove trailing 'AS Number'
as well as 'AS'
- remove stripping of AS Handle from ARIN AS Desc now that we have
- Module::Signature module signing stuff
- Add license to Makefile.PL
- Use newer ExtUtils::MakeMaker to generate the new META.yml format
0.06 Fri May 30 2008
- Added get_as_company which functions similiarly to
get_as_description but attempts to clean up the string found before
returning it
- Update AS description for 21844 in t/Net-Abuse-Utils.t
- Remove from the DNSBL list in examples/
0.05 Sun Mar 19 2006
- Update Makefile.PL to specify Perl 5.6.1, missed this last rev
- Fixed a bug in looking up ASN when the same block is announced by
multiple ASNs.
- Fixed a bug where looking up AS Org for ASN not in Cymru database would
generate warnings rather then just return undef
0.04 Fri Mar 10 2006
- Added public is_ip function to check that a string looks like an IP
- Added tests using Test::Pod::Coverage and Test::Pod (if installed)
- Prefix private functions with _ for Test::Pod::Coverage
- Require Perl 5.6.1 rather then 5.8.7
0.03 Sun Mar 5 2006
- 0.02 was uploaded with a broken test
0.02 Sun Mar 5 2006
- Fixed a bug where AS Description would only return data
for ASs assigned by ARIN.
- In get_ipwi_contacts check that whoisip_query returns a
hash ref rather then just checking that it isn't an array ref.
- a few minor formatting cleanups
0.01 Sat Mar 4 2006
- Initial Release