#!/usr/bin/perl package Mail::SpamCannibal::ParseMessage; use strict; #use diagnostics; use Socket; use NetAddr::IP; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 0.05 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD'; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( limitread dispose_of headers rfheaders skiphead get_MTAs firstremote array2string string2array ); # autoload declarations sub limitread; sub dispose_of; sub headers; sub rfheaders; sub skiphead; sub get_MTAs; sub firstremote; sub _headers; sub array2string; sub string2array; sub DESTROY {}; =head1 NAME Mail::SpamCannibal::ParseMessage - parse mail headers =cut 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mail::SpamCannibal::ParseMessage qw( limitread dispose_of headers rfheaders skiphead get_MTAs firstremote array2string string2array ); $chars = limitread(*H,\@lines,$limit); $rv = dispose_of(*H,$limit); $hdrs = headers(\@lines,\@headers); $hdrs = rfheaders(\@lines,\@headers); $lines = skiphead(\@lines); $mtas = get_MTAs(\@headers,\@mtas); $from = firstremote(\@MTAs,\@myhosts,$noprivate); $string = array2string(\@array,$begin,$end); $count = string2array($string,\@array); =head1 DESCRIPTION B<Mail::SpamCannibal::ParseMessage> provides utilities to parse mail headers and email messages containing mail headers as their message content to find the origination Mail Transfer Agent. use Mail::SpamCannibal::ParseMessage qw( limitread dispose_of headers skiphead get_MTAs firstremote array2string string2array ); # example of reading mail message from STDIN # read up to 10000 characters my @lines; exit unless limitread(*STDIN,\@lines,10000); # release the daemon feeding this script dispose_of(*STDIN); # optional, if message content is headers # skip the real headers on this message exit unless skiphead(\@lines); # linearize headers, convert multi-line headers # to single line, removing extra white space my @headers; exit unless headers(\@lines,\@headers); # get list of MTA's from headers my @mtas; exit unless get_MTAs(\@headers,\@mtas); # extract the first remote MTA from the # resulting MTA object my @myhosts = qw( mail1.mydomain.com mail2.mydomain.com }; my $remoteIP = firstremote(\@mtas,\@myhosts); =head1 SUBROUTINE DESCRIPTIONS =over 4 =item * $chars = limitread(*H,\@lines,$limit); Read $limit charcters (or to end of file) from stream *H and place the lines in an array. This is useful for reading an input stream which could overflow internal buffers if it were not in the expected format. input: *H, # stream handle array pointer, limit # max characters [1000 default] returns: number of characters read =cut sub limitread { my($fh,$ap,$lim) = @_; $lim = 1000 unless $lim; return 0 unless defined fileno($fh) && ref $ap; # ignore really dumb users my $buf; my $chars = read($fh,$buf,$lim); unless ($chars) { @$ap = (); return 0; } $buf =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # dos 2 unix @$ap = split(/\n/, $buf); return $chars; } =item * $rv = dispose_of(*H,$limit); Empty the stream *H .... reads until EOF and returns input: *H # stream handle limit # max buffer size # default 1000 return: positive integer if anything read else zero =cut sub dispose_of { my($fh,$lim) = @_; return 0 unless defined fileno($fh); $lim = 1000 unless $lim && $lim > 0; my $buf; my $rv = 0; while($_ = read($fh,$buf,$lim)) { $rv = $_; } $rv; } =item * $hdrs = headers(\@lines,\@headers); Reads lines from array and returns them in and array of headers. The headers are unfolded into single lines. i.e. Received: from hotmail.com ([]) by mail.mydoamin.com (8.12.8/8.12.8) with SMTP id h2KIRcYC029373; Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:27:39 -0800 would be returned as one header line with compressed white space input: pointer to inout line array pointer to output headder array returns: number headers =cut sub headers { goto &_headers; } =item * $hdrs = rfheaders(\@lines,\@headers); Similar in function to "headers" above, but only returns "Received: from" headers. Parsing is "dirty" in the sense that extraneous leading characters such as: >> etc... are ignored and lines improperly wrapped without leading white space (by your email client) will be added correctly to the header in a manner that can be parsed by "get_MTA's" This method is not a "pure" as just using "headers", but it also does not require properly formated header text with no leading spaces or characters. input: pointer to inout line array pointer to output headder array returns: number headers =cut sub rfheaders { push @_, 1; goto &_headers; } sub _headers { my($ap,$hp,$dirty) = @_; return 0 unless ref $ap && ref $hp; @$hp = (); my $next = ''; my $xtra = undef; foreach(@$ap) { if ($dirty && !defined $xtra) { if ($_ =~ /^([^a-zA-Z]*)[a-zA-Z\-]+:\s/i) { $xtra = $1; # defined ! } else { next; } } # snip extra characters if they exist $_ =~ s/^$xtra// if $xtra && $dirty; $_ =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # dos 2 unix if (!$next || ( $_ =~ /\S/ && ( $_ =~ /^\s/ || ($dirty && $xtra && $_ =~ /^${xtra}\s/) || ($dirty && $_ !~ /^\s*[a-zA-Z\-]+:/) ) )) { $next .= $_; } elsif ($_ !~ /\S/) { $next =~ s/\s+/ /g; push @$hp, $next; $next = ''; last; } else { $next =~ s/\s+/ /g; push @$hp, $next; $next = $_; } } if ($next) { push @$hp, $next; } return scalar @$hp; } =item * $lines = skiphead(\@lines,\@discard); Removes lines from the text array until one or more blank lines are found. Leading blank lines are removed and the top of the array is positioned at the first line with text. Optionally, an array of the skipped lines is returned for use in bounce messages. input: pointer to text lines, [optional] ptr to skip lines returns: number of lines remaining =cut sub _discard { my($dgp,$line) = @_; if ($dgp && defined $line) { push @$dgp, $line; } } sub skiphead { my($ap,$dgp) = @_; return 0 unless ref $ap && @$ap; return 0 if $dgp && ! ref $dgp; while(($_ = shift @$ap) =~ /\S/) { # search for blank line _discard($dgp,$_); return 0 unless @$ap; } _discard($dgp,$_); while (@$ap && $ap->[0] !~ /\S/) {_discard($dgp,shift @$ap);} # search for non-blank return scalar @$ap; } =item * $mtas = get_MTAs(\@headers,\@mtas); Return an array pointing to a structure of "Received: from" MTA's found in header lines. each array entry ->{from} = IP addr; |--->{by} = host or IP; input: pointer to header array returns: number of MTA entries =cut sub get_MTAs { my($ap,$mtap) = @_; return 0 unless ref $ap && ref $mtap; @$mtap = (); foreach(@$ap) { next unless $_ =~ /^Received:\s+from.+[\(\[]+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)[\)\]]+.+by\s+([0-9a-zA-Z_\-\.]+)/i; push @$mtap, { from => $1, by => $2, }; } return scalar @$mtap; } =item * $from = firstremote(\@MTAs,\@myhosts,$noprivate); Parse the "Received: from" structure for the first remote MTA address that is not in @myhosts or is not part of a private network where: @myhosts = ( '', # a dot.quad address '', # a net block 'mail.mydomain.com', # a domain name 'etc...', } The IP addresses of "named" hosts will be resolved for multiple interfaces. If you do not want this behavior then always use dot.quad notation. The private networks listed below are automatically included in @myhosts by default. If you do not want this behavior, set $noprivate TRUE. 127./8, 10./8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16 input: pointer to "Received: from" structure, pointer to array of local host names, [optional] no private nets = TRUE returns: ip address of first "from" remote host or and 'empty' character [''] if the remote host can not be determined. =cut # convert any named hosts to an entry for each distinct IP address # # input: copy of mixed ip.addrs, host.names, net.names # returns: local array filed with ip.addrs, net.names sub _host2ip { my($myhp,$lp) = @_; # copy ptr, local ptr @$lp = (); foreach(@$myhp) { if ($_ !~ /[a-zA-Z]/) { # if not named host push @$lp, $_; next; } my ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($_); foreach(@addrs) { push @$lp, inet_ntoa($_); } } } sub firstremote { my($mtap,$myhosts,$no) = @_; return '' unless ref $mtap && ref $myhosts; my @local; # all dot.quad notation # put all 'named' ip addresses + net addresses in 'local' _host2ip($myhosts,\@local); # convert each ip description to a net object foreach(0..$#local) { $local[$_] = new NetAddr::IP($local[$_]); } my @private; unless ($no) { @private = ('127./8', # exclude local and '10./8','172.16/12','192.168/16'); # private networks foreach(0..$#private) { $private[$_] = new NetAddr::IP($private[$_]); } } # check for presence of "from" in excluded address range my $from = ''; my $by; foreach my $hp (0..$#{$mtap}) { my $mtaobj = new NetAddr::IP($mtap->[$hp]->{from}); # goto next header if address is in the exclusion list next if grep($_->contains($mtaobj),(@local,@private)); $from = $mtap->[$hp]->{from}; # tenatively this one $by = $mtap->[$hp]->{by}; last; } if ($from) { # if candidate found # get all ip addrs for named 'by' host my @by; my @from = ($by); _host2ip(\@from,\@by); foreach(@by) { my $byobj = new NetAddr::IP($_); # return valid 'from' address if 'by' is found in local host list return $from if grep($_->contains($byobj),@local); } } return ''; # sorry :-( bogus! } =item * $string = array2string(\@array,$begin,$end); Makes a string from the array elements beginning with $begin and ending with $end. If $begin is undefined, 0 is assumed. If $end is undefined, $#array is assumed. An empty string is returned if $begin > $end. Unlike a 'join', 'array2string' adds an endline to the 'end' of the string in this manner: $string = join("\n",@array,""); input: pointer to array of lines returns: string; =cut sub array2string { my ($ap,$begin,$end) = @_; return '' unless ref $ap; $begin = 0 unless defined $begin; $end = $#{$ap} unless defined $end; return '' if $begin > $end; @_ = @$ap; # don't modify the input array join("\n",splice(@_,$begin,$end - $begin +1), ''); } =item * $count = string2array($string,\@array); Convert a string into an array of separate lines. Surpresses multiple trailing blank lines. Considers a dangling line to be complete. i.e. "once upon a time there were three" is the same as: "once upon a time there were three " input: string or string pointer, pointer to array returns: line count =back =cut sub string2array { my($sp,$ap) = @_; $sp = \$_[0] unless ref $sp; if (ref $ap) { @$ap = split(/\n/,$$sp); } else { @$ap = (); } return scalar @$ap; } =head1 DEPENDENCIES NetAddr::IP version 3.14 =head1 EXPORT none =head1 EXPORT_OK limitread dispose_of headers rfheaders skiphead get_MTAs firstremote =head1 AUTHOR Michael Robinton <michael@bizsystems.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003, Michael Robinton <michael@bizsystems.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1) =cut 1;