Revision history for Perl extension Net::Connection::Sniffer

0.12  Fri Jun  2 13:02:48 PDT 2006
	Oops! missed another makefile prequisite entry

0.11  Fri Jun  2 12:46:38 PDT 2006
	Left prequisite Net::Interface
	out of Makefile.PL

0.10  Fri Jun  2 11:18:38 PDT 2006
	Documentation update

0.09  Thu Jun  1 10:38:33 PDT 2006
	first release to CPAN

	clean up documentation

0.08  Wed May 31 17:45:13 PDT 2006
	optimizations to reduce cpu cycles

0.07  Tue May 30 19:06:03 PDT 2006
	remove unused vars in Perl and C that are
	pushed back and forth between xs <-> perl

	change "B" accumulator from UV to NV

	separate double / u_int32_t arithmetic into
	individual pieces -- compiler appears to mis-align
	variable addresses with with no warnings

0.06  Mon May 29 13:16:44 PDT 2006
	release of port to 'C'

0.05  this and previous versions not released

0.04  Fri May 19 18:08:00 PDT 2006
	replace missing do_while in daemon v03

0.03  Wed May 17 18:58:07 PDT 2006
	further refinement ahead of conversion

	deployed to test with bug

0.02  Tue May 16 14:48:58 PDT 2006
	rearrange stuff ahead of conversion of core to 'C'

0.01  Sat May 13 19:30:43 PDT 2006
	initial release