Revision history for Perl extension Net::DNS::ToolKit

0.25  Sat Jun 11 23:34:32 PDT 2005
	'new' failed to build a packet with a transaction ID of '0'
	Thanks to "Clayton O'Neill" <> for 
	spotting that.

0.24  Tue Feb 22 21:47:21 PST 2005
	add IPv6 support for return records (not query)

0.23  Sat Nov 27 17:08:45 PST 2004
	removed a legacy package 'use package'
	that is not called in Net::DNS::ToolKit::Utilities

0.22  Sun Nov 14 23:33:19 PST 2004
	corrected a 'use package' call in t/ss_id.t
	call should be to Net::DNS::ToolKit::Utilities
	and was to a legacy package that is not a dependency
	of this module

0.21  Sat Sep 18 12:33:59 PDT 2004
	update docs in

0.20  Wed Sep  1 15:56:25 PDT 2004
	Create from portions of

	see comments in Mail::SpamCannibal v0.44 Changes

0.19  not released
	update v0.03, add optional -d switch
	to show rDNS response for bad lookups

0.18  Thu Jun 24 15:38:36 PDT 2004
	update v0.02 to print PTR when response is a C_NAME

0.17  Fri Jun  4 13:23:16 PDT 2004
	correct documentation error for "parse_char"
	correct documentation error in Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::CNAME v0.04

	add script '' to do lookups on cidr24 reverse IP's

0.16  Sat Nov 22 14:32:27 PST 2003
	There is a bug that I can't reproduce here on either the 
	linux or sun boxes for version of perl 5.003 -> 5.8x so I've
	added a trap in get_ns.t to check hosts for problems with 
	resolver not returning the local host name server IP addy's
	Hopefully, someone will find such a host and provide a user
	account so I can find the problem and fix it.

	DOCUMENTATION change only.
	correct the comments for $put->CNAME,MB,MG,MR,NS,PTR
	erronously said that $rdlength was an input ARG when
	it is actually calculated and inserted by the function

0.15  Sat Nov  1 09:44:17 PST 2003
	change RR module instantiation from eval {some code}
	to an eval "$code" in A problem arose where 
	simltaneous instantations overwrote the namespace with
	the old method.

	missed typo "TookKit" in

0.14  Mon Sep 29 10:22:30 PDT 2003
	removed typo "TookKit" in numerous places

First BETA release
0.13  Thu Sep 25 11:14:25 PDT 2003
	add Makefile constant MY_POD2TEXT

0.12  Sun Sep 21 14:57:34 PDT 2003
	add siteconf to define u_intxx_t on systems
	where they are undefined

0.11  Fri Sep 19 11:09:02 PDT 2003
	putstring did not actually append at 'offset', instead
	it always appended. Fix so it appends at offset.

	RR::SOA, bad pointer to @dnptrs fixed,
	RR::SOA, incorrectly calculated RDLENGTH

0.10  Mon Sep 15 16:34:53 PDT 2003
	update scripts/ to support +tcp flag
	and the retrieval of multirecord zone transfers

0.09  Tue Aug  5 15:14:56 PDT 2003
	dn_comp pointer to dnptrs needed to be checked
	that is was an RV. The RV value sometimes comes
	back as an SVt_PVMG and sometimes a plain SVt_PV

0.08  Thu Jul 31 18:35:44 PDT 2003
	fixed bug in where it would
	loop if the dns server failed to respond
	correctly to an axfr request.

0.07  Sat Jul  5 21:40:45 PDT 2003
	add 'put1char', update RR TXT to conform to
	current BIND specifications, add RR HINFO,
	extend Question to pick up $class from 
	new statement but not override its own
	$class argument.

0.06  Sat Jun 28 18:05:31 PDT 2003
	add work-around for perl 5.00503's missing newSVuv

0.05  Wed Jun 25 08:23:49 PDT 2003
	back port to perl 5.00503
	gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)
	initial release

0.04  Tue Jun 24 22:36:03 PDT 2003
	various small edits for clean up

0.03  Tue Jun 24 18:27:52 PDT 2003
	change dn_comp to use a pointer
	to array of dnptrs

0.02  Wed Jun 18 22:21:33 PDT 2003
	many additions

0.01  Sat Jun 14 15:45:32 PDT 2003
	alpha release