Revision history for Perl extension Net::DNSBL::Monitor
0.09 Fri Nov 14 14:27:47 PST 2008
left out 0.08 changes notice in previous release
more work on t/run.t to allow for smoker testing
0.08 Tue Nov 11 13:13:31 PST 2008
fix broken t/run.t
0.07 Sun Nov 9 17:34:25 PST 2008
Include modules in dependency list that are used in the
accompanying script (daemon) but not used in the module
add 'acceptany' criteria for DNSBL
appease smoker test (hopefully)
0.06 Sat Nov 1 17:15:11 PDT 2008
adjust prerequisites
0.05 Sat Nov 1 15:37:02 PST 2008
correct prerequisites error in Makefile.PL
0.04 Wed Oct 15 15:03:50 PDT 2008
require Net::DNS::ToolKit version 0.41 or higher
0.03 Sun Feb 17 11:54:25 PST 2008
fixed typo in contrib/ v1.01
that resulted in archive file names being named with the
month and day reversed ... this cause the files to sort
in the wrong order on the web page generated by the script
0.02 Tue Jan 22 12:13:00 PST 2008
documentation changes
0.01 Sat Jan 19 11:08:16 PST 2008
initial release