Revision history for Perl extension Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon

0.16  Fri Apr 28 14:33:19 PDT 2006
	Remove dependency on NetAddr::IP in Net::DNSBL::Utilities. 
	Newer versions of NetAddr::IP only run on perl 5.6 or later 
	and require Math::BigInt. In it's place, we will use

0.15  Tue Feb 22 22:18:52 PST 2005
	Add support for IPv6 records in 'additional' section of answers
	requires Net::DNS::ToolKit 0.24

	Some DNSBL's are now including IPv6 AAAA records in the "additional"
	section of the query response. Previous versions of MultiDaemon
	hardwired an "A" response for all the records in that section. 
	When an AAAA record was encountered, it would send a packet of the 
	wrong length which would produce an "unexpected end of data" error
	in the "named" daemon making the query. Note, that these records are 
	returned by MultiDaemon to assist in tracking the origin of the Query 
	though they are always unused since the MultiDaemon is seen by the 
	client as being on it's underlying host and the glue records from
	the true responding host are in this circumstance extra baggage.
	This release checks for the presence of both A and AAAA records in 
	the "additional" section and discards any other record types.

0.14  Wed Oct  6 11:08:38 PDT 2004
	update documentation

0.13  Mon Aug  9 18:11:04 PDT 2004
	Update rc.multi_dnsbl v1.05 to correct typo that caused
	"Not a SCALAR reference at /etc/init.d/rc.multi_dnsbl line 118 (#1)"
	error when using CountryCode blacklisting. 
	"list2hash" not imported in /etc/init.d/rc.multi_dnsbl
	Thanks to "Peter" <> for spotting
	those two errors.

	Update Utilities::cntinit v0.03 to initialize counts for
	Passed, WhiteList and BlackList (IGNORE,BLOCK) entries, 
	update STAT sort to push above to bottom of list.

	Update to count Passed, WhiteList and BlackList (IGNORE,BLOCK)
	entries in stats file and print subtotal of rejects followed 
	by WhiteList and Passed entries

0.12  Wed Jun 23 16:46:38 PDT 2004
	updated the documentation in multi_dnsbl.conf.sample
	to clarify problems with the timeouts in sendmail when using

0.11  Fri Jun 18 13:07:14 PDT 2004
	Change default SOA record to use TTL of 3600 
	seconds for negative caching and set refresh, retry, to reasonable

0.10  Sat Mar 20 14:34:51 PST 2004
	change 'A' response for configured DNSBL's to always return -- previous versions returned the 'A' record from
	the responding DNSBL. This was inconsistent since different
	DNSBL's don't necessarily use the same codes to specify their
	rejection reason. Since the DNSBL configuration allows
	parsing the individual codes for each zone, allows
	consistency in MultiDaemon's response and does not overlap
	the return codes for, BLOCKED and BBC

0.09  Fri Jan 16 15:09:32 PST 2004
	updated Net::DNSBL::Utilities to 
	print the totals at end of log file

0.08  Wed Jan  7 11:08:30 PST 2004
	Correct documentation on DEPENDENCIES to include 
	Geo::IP::PurePerl and NetAddr::IP

	update DNSBL's in config file to track Mail::Spamcannibal

0.07  Mon Dec  8 18:34:26 PST 2003
	Having a little cockpit trouble today :-) Left out the
	initialization for response when no record is found.
	The nscount and arcount passed through from the PTR record must be 
	set to zero.

0.06  Mon Dec  8 13:29:57 PST 2003
	Oops! left perl diagnostics turned on in 0.05

0.05  Mon Dec  8 13:13:12 PST 2003 queries did not accept SERVFAIL responses as 
	as valid, just expected NXDOMAIN when reverse queries failed.
	Logic corrected.

0.04  Sun Dec  7 11:55:05 PST 2003
	Oops! I neglected to import Net::DNSBL::Utilities::statinit
	into Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon so SIG{USR2} was causing a crash.

0.03  Wed Nov 26 18:04:00 PST 2003

	WARNING, you need to upgrade your rc.multi_daemon if this
	if you have a previously installed version of this module.

	split MultiDaemon into two modules so the utilities are 
	available to new applications.

	Created Net::DNSBL::Utilities

	add logic to always allow 'IGNORE' block
	add logic to always reject 'BLOCK' block
	add logic to Block By Country
	add logic to reject failed reverse DNS

0.02  Sat Nov 22 16:03:59 PST 2003
	sockaddr_in does not always ask for scalar arguments 
	as expected on some perl/OS combinations, therefore
	scalar arguments must be provided... in particular for 
	the output of Net::DNS::ToolKit::get_ns which uses 
	want_array (xs) to return scalar or array values.
	Thanks to "Gary E. Miller" <> for spotting this bug.

0.01  Fri Nov  7 11:18:07 PST 2003
	initial release