Revision history for Perl extension Net::Interface.
1.011 Mon Mar 23 13:55:58 PDT 2009
update inst/ v0.09 to use $Config{perlpath}
instead of the default '/usr/bin/perl' when building
This will make 'pkgsrc' happy
1.010 Mon Mar 9 01:43:59 PDT 2009
in ni_linuxproc.c, #ifdef and #define some IFA_xxx
symbols that appear to be missing in some linux/rtnetlink.h
headers in some? linux distros
1.009 Sat Mar 7 13:28:54 PST 2009
As a work-around for broken Solaris headers in some distributions,
remove "C" initialization constructors and replace with a Perl call
during load to register various "flavors" of ifreq and ifaddr routines
add cppflags, ldflags, lddlflags to environment for pcap check
1.008 Sun Mar 1 15:22:06 PST 2009
Add check for improperly truncated ifaddrs entry in
Interfaces.xs / getheifs
1.007 Sun Mar 1 10:47:44 PST 2009
Pause seems to think v1.006 is already there???
increment the serial number
1.006 Sun Mar 1 10:11:01 PST 2009
update inst/ to only keep and process
AF/PF family symbols needed for this distribution
1.005 Fri Feb 27 13:17:53 PST 2009
Remove extradef's in inst/ for
AF_NS AF_ATM AF_NUTSS since they are not equivalent
In Interface.xs, gethifs() initialize ifap to NULL
and check its return value for non-null
1.004 Wed Feb 25 15:46:20 PST 2009
Remove generated "C" files from MANIFEST
Rename miniSocket so it is not deleted by make clean
Add configure test to check for MALLOC in stdlib so
obsolete malloc.h file is not included
Correct definition of SA_LEN for systems that don't have it
Adjust code for changed definition.
1.003 Tue Feb 24 15:16:54 PST 2009
replace definitions missing in MAC OSX with def's from local
distro header file for ni_in6_ifreq.c
1.002 Mon Feb 23 13:16:27 PST 2009
Updated documentation in
Add array to note and ignore troublesome unused symbols
in inst/ v0.06
For systems that do not support SIOCGIFINDEX, extract
interface index from AF_PACKET or AF_LINK record
Adjust constructor syntax for picky Sunos CC on certain systems
1.001 Sat Feb 21 18:30:07 PST 2009
BETA 1 release.
correct symbol typo in ni_lifreq.c
add inet_aton for systems that don't have it like old Solaris
fixed bad cast for "flags" in multiple files, changed
from an 'int' to a 'short'
add SIOCGENADDR support for Solaris
removed KAME bits from 6adrs in Interface.xs af_common
in, change &AF_INET to AF_INET to accomodate
broken Perl 5.8.4
in Interfaces.xs, check for LOOPBACK interface and bypass MAC
address processing if found
add file ni_fallbackhwaddr.c with lots of ways to get the MAC
address when it is not presented in a _DL or _LL record.
eliminate get_hwaddr in af_inetX.c and ni_linuxproc.c
corrected addr42txt call that requests array rather than scalar
return value from ->address(fam,index
added methods for update of flags, mtu, metric as well as
refreshing the particular interface object
updated inst/ to accomodate value that exceed what
fits in an I32
make char, u_char casting adjustments for picky Solaris 'cc' compiler
added get_ifreqs and get_ifaddrs for Solaris, activated lifreq
developer interface.
Expanded "flags" to an NV (u_int64_t) to accomodate extended flags
on Solaris.
Add method to get "index" of the interface
Consolidate AF_family support into ni_af_common.c and change
general SIOCxxxxx use to be ifreq family specific
1.000 Sat Jan 31 14:43:16 PST 2009
updated documentation with more info about using symbols
added filter to always use numeric values of symbols
when doing $if->address($fam,$idx) type operations.
updated faceinfo.t to use (test) above syntax
updated version string to support 3 digits post decimal point
0.90 Mon Jan 26 01:16:53 PST 2009
completed initial API and implementation of most read
Fri Jan 23 17:32:15 PST 2009
first working version of the re-written module including
ipV6 support in Interface.xs
development no release
0.14 Mon Jan 5 16:26:27 PST 2009
development no release
update config.h with autoconf
0.12 not released
rework if.t again
0.11 Mon Oct 6 16:23:36 PDT 2008
incorporate code into the build process to determine
underlying OS's memory PAGE_SIZE
add checkfor SA_LEN
include various socket address checks from perl's Socket.xs
updated t/if.t to remove reference to interface 'lo and lo0'
and dependence on POSIX::EPERM
0.10 Sat Sep 27 10:52:26 PDT 2008
ifreq patch in 0.09 revised to support additional platforms
patchs submitted by Jens Rehsack
Thank you Jens
0.09 Tue Aug 26 16:10:24 PDT 2008
In MAC os 10.5.4 it was noticed that
*struct ifreq* is no longer a fixed width structure
Thanks to "Keith Peters" for finding
this and submitting a patch to fix it up.
0.08 September 11, 2006
update mac_bin2hex to use specific length in unpack
instead of H*
0.07 Wed Mar 15 19:08:36 PST 2006
correct documentation error on interface names
0.06 Mon Mar 13 17:05:33 PST 2006
- added 'constants' tags
- fixed array return for hardware address
- added more documentation to .pm file
0.05 Thu Mar 9 15:10:13 PST 2006 unreleased
- fixed typos in EXPORT_OK array
- added documentation to .pm file
0.04.1 Thu Mar 16 19:45:28 2000
- hacked in a fix for MAC address
0.01 Sat Nov 29 10:32:23 1997
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18