Revision history for Perl extension WebService-Mailgun

0.7.0 2019-12-27T12:43:18Z
    - fix event method
    - fix version format
    - update document

0.06 2017-03-02T17:23:41Z
    - fix recursive fetch data
    - support event recursive fetch
    - add get_message_from_event
    - update document

0.05 2017-03-01T11:27:57Z

    - support Event API

0.04 2016-08-27T11:40:16Z

    - fix cpanfile (add Try::Tiny)

0.03 2016-08-27T06:27:03Z

    - fix the behavior at the time of error
    - add RaiseError option
    - add error, error_status method
    - fix error message (use carp and croak)

0.02 2016-08-13T02:41:53Z

    - fix unit test
    - require perl 5.10 and later

0.01 2016-08-12T13:40:58Z

    - original version