$Id: /html-treebuilder-xpath/Changes 40 2006-05-15T07:42:34.182385Z mrodrigu  $
Revision history for Perl extension HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath.


  - added support for the id function, see RT #30792 
    at https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=30792 bug reported, and
    a fix proposed by tokuhirom 

  - fixed a bug where the as_XML method on text nodes returned non escaped
    text, spotted by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
    at the moment the output is quite ugly, as ugly as HTML::Element as_XML.


  - fixed a bug that prevented the 'following' and 'preceding'
    axis to work

  - set version dependency with XML::XPathEngine 

0.07 2007-01-05

  - fixed a bug that prevented the 'following' axis to be used

0.06 2006-08-07

  - fixed a bug that caused a crash when an element had a value of 0
    patch by Martin Sarfy

0.05 2006-05-17

  - added pod and pod coverage tests

0.04 2006-05-15

  - changed the required version of perl from 5.8.4 to 5.6.0

0.03 2006-04-20

  - fixed bug that caused results not to be ordered properly when
    there were more than 10 results (cf RT #18705) spotted by rnapier

0.02 2006-02-27

  - fixed dependency to XML::XPathEngine in the Makefile

0.01 2006-02-15
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-A -X -nHTML::TreeBuilder::XPath --use-new-tests --skip-exporter --skip-autoloader