Revision history for Net-IMAP-Client

0.2     Sep 02, 2008

        There are some disruptive changes, I hope no one took this
        module seriously yet. :-p

        - some support for server notifications.  N/I/C will try to
          keep up with notifications involving \Deleted or \Seen flags
          (i.e. updating $imap->{FOLDERS}{$current_folder}) and it
          also can report an array of notifications after some
          commands.  See the notifications() method.

        - new methods: folders_more(), noop(), get_parts_bodies(),
          capability(), seq_to_uid()

        - got rid of wantarray for most methods (the exception is

        - status() now returns a hashref instead of an array; needed
          since the IMAP STATUS command might actually fail for some

        - most methods in Net::IMAP::Client::MsgAddress and
          Net::IMAP::Client::MsgSummary will now decode the data
          (previously it left it "MIME-Word"-encoded).

        - fixed dependencies in Makefile.PL -- hopefully

0.1     Aug 23, 2008

        First public release.