Revision history for Perl extension Class::DBI::SQLite

0.08  Thu Mar 17 18:17:34 JST 2005
	- Kiss SQL::Parser goodbye
	  (Markus Ramberg)

0.07  Fri Jan 28 03:02:10 JST 2005
	- Skip REFERENCES sql clause to bypass SQL::Parser's limitation
	  (Sebastian Riedel)

0.06  Tue Oct 19 16:44:39 JST 2004
	- Removed debugging statement from the code.

0.05  Tue Oct 19 16:44:39 JST 2004
	- Fixed error in PRAGMA table_info(?) with newer DBD::SQLite
	  Thanks to Seth Gordon and Marcus Ramberg

0.04  Mon Mar 15 20:56:38 JST 2004
	- Added t/02_table.t in MANIFEST
	  (Thanks to Tony Bowden)
	- Added SQL::Dialects::AnyData to PREREQ_PM
0.03  Thu Feb  5 03:38:20 JST 2004
	* Fixed bug that SQL::Parser barfs with TIMESTAMP column
	  (Thanks to Aaron Straup Cope)
	- Fixed test failure that columns() no longer preserves its order.

0.02  Fri Aug  9 15:59:44 JST 2002
	- Added tests to see commit() really works (needs Ima::DBI >= 0.27)
	* Added set_up_table() method
	  (Thanks to Tomohiro Ikebe <>)

0.01  Sat Feb 23 22:49:15 2002
	- original version