Revision history for Perl extension Class::Trigger.

0.13_01 Wed Oct  7 21:50:42 PDT 2009
        - Disable the cache on the recursive fetch triggers to fix bugs in inheritance
 (Michael Schout)

0.13 Thu Mar  6 12:55:09 PST 2008
        - Added a cache to fetch_triggers code so as it won't suck down CPU at runtime.
          RT:30279. Thanks to Alex Vandiver and Michael Schwern

0.12 Mon Aug 20 16:06:50 PDT 2007
    - Make this a release

0.11_03  Wed Jun 20 12:12:36 PDT 2007
    - Fixed a bug in backward-compatiblity code to handle multiple
      hooks in one add_trigger() call. (Thanks to mark addison)

0.11_02  Sun Jun 10 18:09:58 PDT 2007
    - Added a test to make sure $_ is not clobbered
      (Thanks to mark addison)
    - Killed the hidden feature to add multiple hooks in one
      add_trigger() call because it interfers with named parameter style
      calls. (Thanks to clkao)

0.11_01  Mon May 28 21:03:03 PDT 2007

    - Added support for abortable triggers.
    - Added named-parameters calling convention for add_trigger
    - Added new last_trigger_results method and began capturing trigger return values.

    - FUNCTIONALITY CHANGE: When no triggers are called for a trigger point, the return value is now '0', not undef.
      (Thanks to Jesse Vincent)

0.11  Thu Feb 22 19:02:09 PST 2007
        - Fixed a bug due to Class::Data::Inheritable, where
          triggers added to the superclass after trigger is added in
          the child class are ignored in the child class.
          See t/03_inherit.t for example.
          (Thanks to Brad Choate, Yann Kerherve, Ben Trott and Fumiaki Yoshimatsu)

0.10  Tue Aug 23 22:11:21 UTC 2005
        - Documentation fix

0.09  Fri Feb 18 14:13:22 JST 2005
	- Devel::Cover compliant code. Now 100% coverage.
	  (Thanks to Leif Eriksen and Phalanx folks)

0.08  Thu Feb 27 15:51:31 JST 2003
	- Performance boostup and document clarification
	  (Thanks to Tim Bunce)

0.07  Sat Feb 15 01:01:36 JST 2003
	- s/add_hook/add_trigger/ in pod.
	  (Thanks to Tony Bowden)
	* now you can pass @args to call_trigger
	- Class->call_trigger() works
	  (Thanks to Tim Bunce)

0.06  Wed Oct 23 19:13:20 JST 2002
	* Fixed bug that trigger disappears when trigger sub modifies $_.
	  (Thanks to Tony Bowden and Barry Hoggard)

0.05  Tue Apr 30 14:06:06 JST 2002
	- Example tweak
	- remove untie() lines to shut up bleadperl

0.04  Fri Dec 28 12:43:32 JST 2001
	- Added FAQ section in pod
	  (Thanks to people at POOP mailing list)

0.03  Tue Dec 25 03:30:31 JST 2001
	- renamed to Class::Trigger from Class::Hookable
	* Added object based triggers
	- fixed bug that subclass shares arrayref of triggers with parent

0.02  Tue Dec 25 02:18:27 JST 2001
	- removed evil eval() to inherit Class::Data::Inheritable
	- makes copy of trigger table in add_trigger() for inheritance
	  (Thanks to Tony Bowden <>)

0.01  Mon Dec 24 11:47:13 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19