Revision history for Perl extension Plack
0.9006: Fri Oct 23 01:21:13 PDT 2009
- Support streaming interface in most middlewares
- Added Middleware::Deflater (not recommended to use: see POD)
- Document FCGI configuration in Server::FCGI pod (dhoss)
- Inline Plack::Util functions in Server::CGI to speed up (mst)
0.9005 Wed Oct 21 20:53:19 PDT 2009
- Switch to Filesys::Notify::Simple to watch directory to trim down deps
- Made some dependencies optional since they're actually optional
0.9004 Tue Oct 20 22:57:48 PDT 2009
- Fixed File::ShareDir dependency (mst)
- App::File and Middleware::Static now auto follows symlinks (chiba)
- Implemented plackup -r as Plack::Loader::Reloadable (nothingmuch)
- Removed poll_cb from Writer middleware
- Added plackup common command line options: -o for --host and -p for --port
0.9003 Sun Oct 18 19:16:26 PDT 2009
- Added POE to Plack::Loader autoload
- Implemented callback style streaming in selected middlewares
- Bump up HTTP::Parser::XS to fix memory leaks
- Added Middleware::Chunked
- Added MIddleware::JSONP
- Added twitter-stream.psgi example to do streaming server push
- Fixed Middleware::StackTrace to DWIM in framework generated 500 errors
- Fixed Restarter to do what doc says
0.9002 Wed Oct 14 11:26:28 PDT 2009
- Added a workaround in Server::Apache2 when Location and SCRIPT_NAME don't match
- Use Try::Tiny and parent for smaller memory footprint and better error handling
0.9001 Tue Oct 13 00:55:34 PDT 2009
- Downgrade EUMM in inc/
0.9000 Tue Oct 13 00:14:01 PDT 2009
- original version