Revision history for Perl extension Plack::Middleware::Session
0.28 2015-02-16 08:30:08 PST
- Same as 0.27. Make it non-trial
0.27 2015-02-13 16:52:11 PST
- Added late_store in psgix.session.options to update the session after the streaming
and reverts the default behavior to pre-0.26 (reported by darkkar, fixed by alexmv) #29, #30
0.26 2015-02-03 09:17:38 CET
- Improved documentation (oalders, basiliscos, Mohammad Anwar, alexmv)
- Session storage is now updated in the cleanup phase, after the streaming is complete (alexmv) #28
0.25 2014-09-28 20:07:42 PDT
- Make tests safer for parallel execution. #21
0.24 2014-09-05 04:49:59 PDT
- No changes since 0.23
0.23 2014-08-11 10:22:40 PDT
- Changed the warning to error, when secret is not set.
0.22 2014-08-11 10:16:51 PDT
- Document the vunlerability of using this middleware without secret, and
warn when secret is not set on the runtime. In the next release the default
will be changed to require the secret. (mala)
0.21 2013-10-12 11:41:37 PDT
- use Cookie::Baker (kazeburo)
0.20 2013-06-24 16:09:21 PDT
- Fix packaging (name casing)
0.19 2013-06-24 15:09:55 PDT
- Use Milla
- Add prereqs to LWP/HTTP::Cookies
0.18 Tue Feb 12 02:56:23 PST 2013
- Repackaging
0.17 Mon Feb 11 15:40:50 PST 2013
- Use constant time comparison of HMAC signature to be precautious for timing attacks
0.16 Sun Feb 10 11:41:14 PST 2013
- Fix minimum version requirement for Test::Fatal
0.15 Tue Sep 4 14:15:13 PDT 2012
- Fixed CPAN dependencies
0.14 Tue Mar 29 13:48:42 PDT 2011
- Support get_dbh callback in Store::DBI (kazeburo)
0.13 Wed Dec 22 08:56:52 PST 2010
- Added WARNINGS to deprecate request parameter based session state from the default state
- Added 'change_id' option for paranoids against session fixation (s-aska, nihen)
0.12 Wed Jul 7 15:54:05 PDT 2010
- Improved documents (markstos, haarg)
- Support httponly option (haarg)
0.11 Sat Feb 27 02:40:29 PST 2010
- Added Session::Store::DBI by lestrrat
0.10 Mon Feb 22 19:03:17 PST 2010
- Make this a non-dev release now Plack 0.9910 is out
0.09_03 Tue Feb 2 20:42:56 PST 2010
- Fixed so the default Cookie path is now correctly set to '/'
You can override that by setting path = undef in psgix.session.options.
(Reported by tomyhero)
0.09_02 Sat Jan 30 23:13:50 PST 2010
- Fixed a bug in Cookie serialization where it breaks the response headers
generated by applications (tomyhero)
0.09_01 Sat Jan 30 13:39:21 PST 2010
- Reworked the internal code and API a lot, so Session persistence
and retrieval are handled in a more stateless way
- INCOMPATIBLE: psgix.session is now a hash reference rather than an object.
If you need an object like before, do:
use Plack::Session; $session = Plack::Session->new($env);
- Added Plack::Middleware::Session::Cookie which uses CookieStore
- Updated Cookie handling code to work with Plack 0.99 and later
0.03 Thurs. Jan. 7, 2009
* Plack::Middleware::Session
- change plack.session to psgix.session (plack.session is
retained for back-compat, but is deprecated and will be
removed in future versions)
* Plack::Session::Store::File
- changed to lock_* versions of the Storaable functions
(thanks to Miyagawa)
0.02 Sat. Dec. 19, 2009
- fixed dependency list (RT #52891) (Thanks to Andreas Koenig)
- fixed some POD misspellings (Thanks to franckcuny)
- fixed streaming interface (Thanks to clkao and miyagawa)
0.01 Tues. Dec. 15, 2009
- Hello CPAN World!