The latest, HTML version of this document is always available at
== 0.6.1 (2006/04/03) ==
=== Core ===
* New Feed Upgrade framework: CustomFeed::Simple and Filter::EntryFullText
* Supports .pl and .yaml file based site upgrader scripts
* Plagger::Util has decode_content and extract_title
* Support metadata in config.yaml
* Support automatic config rewriting for password fields using Base64 for now
* New dependencies: Module::Pluggable::Fast and HTML::ResolveLink
* Uses Encode::Detect and falls back to Encode::Guess to guess charset of HTML
* New author: typester (Daisuke Murase)
* Added lots of site upgrade scripts
=== New Plugins ===
* Filter::YahooBlogSearchPermalink: Fixes permalink redirector of Y! Blog Search (.jp) (miyagawa)
=== Plugins Updates ===
* WebService::Bloglines: Fix guid stringification bug (typester)
* CustomFeed::iTunesRecentPlay: Amazon Web Services Integration (mizzy)
* CustomFeed::Frepa: Fixed blast error logic (secondlife)
* Subscription::Planet: Added Yahoo! Blog Search, Feedster and BlogPulse
== 0.6.0 (2006/04/02) ==
=== Core ===
* revamped CustomFeed API
* Aggregator::Simple supports RSS/Atom auto-discovery. #20
* Fixed CustomFeed multiple instances bug. #110
* Autoload Aggregator::Simple when no Aggregator is used. #125
* Added $context->is_loaded($plugin). #125
* $plugin->log is now supported
* Uses newly added $plugin->plugin_id method to avoid cache gotcha. #95
* $plugin->cache->path_to automatically creates sub directories. #118
* SmartFeed now uses permalink to dedupe entries
=== New Plugins ===
* Filter::FeedFlareStripper: Strip FeedFlare from FeedBurner feeds (miyagawa)
* Widget::BloglinesSubscription: Link to edit subscription of Bloglines #123 (miyagawa)
* Subscription::DBI: manage subscriptions using database (Franck Cuny)
* CustomFeed::SVNLog: Create feeds from subversion log (Michiya Honda)
* Filter::Profanity: replace profane terms to !%$@# (miyagawa)
* Filter::Thumbnail: create thumbnail screenshot to use as feed icon (miyagawa)
* Widget::BulkfeedsSpamReport: Report feed as Splog to Bulkfeeds. #135 (miyagawa)
* Filter::NamaanPermalink: extract permalink from redirector URL (miyagawa)
* Filter::Romanize: uses kakasi to filter content into Roman (miyagawa)
* Subscription::Planet: Aggregates entries from various RSS search engines (youpy)
* Subscription::PingServer: Load pinged feeds to ping servers as subscription (ko)
* Filter::Rule: generic rule based feed trimming (miyagawa)
* Publish::Takahashi: Published feed entry titles as takahashi.xul file (miyagawa)
* Filter::EntryFullText: Fetch Full-Text using site handler files (miyagawa)
* Rule::URLBL: rule used with Aggregator to skip URLBL'ed feeds (ko)
=== Plugins Updates ===
* Filter::StripRSSAd: More Google AdSense patterns, FeedBurner ads,
* Filter::FeedBurnerPermalink: Now work with RSS 1.0 feeds. #122
* CustomFeed::Frepa: Update HTML pattern.
* Filter::Base: new base class to handle HTML-only filter. #88
* Publish::Speech: MacOSX impementation supported (Ryo Okamoto)
* Publish::Planet: don't use HTML::Tidy for now. Fixed templates
* Aggregator::Xango: Now requires Xango 1.04. Support RSS/Atom auto-discovery
* Publish::Gmail: overwrite X-Mailer header
* CustomFeed::Frepa: support FriendStatus and RecentComment (tokuhirom)
* CustomFeed::Mixi: support Message and RecentComment (tokuhirom)
* Subscription::Bloglines: Set RSS 2.0 guid as permalink (typester)
== 0.5.7 (2006/03/13) ==
=== Core ===
* $entry->id tries hard to get unique ID
* $entry->feed_link to point feed's link
* Rename define_recipes and recipes
=== New Plugins ===
* Publish::Maildir: Store updates to local mailbox (s_nobu)
* Publish::IMAP: Store updates to IMAP mailbox (s_nobu)
* CustomFeed::Debug: Create feed using config.yaml for debugging (naoya)
* Filter::Emoticon: filter emoticons of MSN, Yahoo! or Google Talk (naoya)
=== Plugin Updates ===
* Publish::MTWidget: fixed template rebuild bug (Thanks to charsbar)
== 0.5.6 (2006/03/08) ==
=== Core ===
* New AUTHORS: Yuichi Tateno, Gosuke Miyashita, Casey West, Jesse Vincent, Naoya Ito and Kenichi Ishigaki
* Make ~/.plagger directory not readable by other users. (Thanks to typester)
* Better package management and pod tests (obra)
* config examples/ directory (cwest)
* Templates and other plugins resource rename (cwest)
* SmartFeed now has $entry->source to point to source feed (miyagawa)
* $context->templatize($plugin, $file, $var) conveniene method (miyagawa)
* Plagger::Date now uses local timezone as a default, when there's no config
* Added aggregator.aggregate.filter experimental hook for Aggregator::Simple (miyagawa)
* Implement define_recipes, recipes and includes directive in config for DRY (Yappo, secondlife)
* $plugin->cache->path_to() to point plugin specifc temp file (miyagawa)
* Added 'plugin.init' hook (miyagawa)
=== New Plugins ===
* Notify::SSTP: Notify updates to Sakura Script Transfer Protocol (secondlife)
* Publish::Playlog: Use Atom Publishing Protocol to post iTunes playlog (mizzy)
* CustomFeed::iTunesRecentPlay: iTunes' recent playlist as a custom feed (mizzy)
* SmartFeed::All: All updates as one feed (miyagawa, cwest)
* Publish::CSV: publish updates as Comma Separated Value format (naoya)
* Filter::HatenaFormat: filter hatena format (naoya)
* Publish::MT: publish updates using MT XML-RPC API (naoya)
* Publish::Planet: Planet-Planet clone in Plagger (cwest)
* Publish::OPML: publish OPML files based on subscription (miyagawa)
* CustomFeed::FlickrSearch: Use Flickr API to create custom feeds (cwest)
* CustomFeed::AmazonAssociateReportJP: Fetch Amazon's associate report (naoya)
* Filter::ImageInfo: fetch information of $feed->image and $entry->icon (miyagawa)
* Subscription::HatenaGroup: fetch Hatena Group blogs as subscription (tokuhirom)
* Filter::BlogPet: Strip BlogPet's post (naoya)
* Filter::SpamAssassin: Use SpamAssassin to strip spam posts (charsbar)
* Filter::RSSLiberalDateTime: parses pubDate sring liberally (miyagawa)
=== Plugins Updates ===
* Aggregator::Xango: Added conditional GET support #93 (Daisuke)
* CustomFeed::Mixi: Support links to deleted entry #96 (miyagawa)
* Aggregator::Simple: Fixed error handling bug when URL is 404 #97 (miyagawa)
* CustomFeed::POP3: Create one feed per one mail (tokuhirom)
* Publish::Gmail: Fixed bad MAIL FROM: when used with Sendmail (Thanks to
* Subscription::Config: Support array of just URLs (miyagawa)
* Publish::PSP: template typo fix in permalink (miyagawa)
* Rule::Fresh: no datetime field means it's fresh (miyagawa)
* Subscription::Bloglines: Liberal parser support. Fallbacks to loop mode when it still finds error (miyagawa)
* Aggregator::Simple: uses XML::RSS::Liberal if it's installed (miyagawa)
* Publish::Gmail: resizes feed and entry images when it's too big (miyagawa)
* Filter::StripRssAd: Support Pheedo ads pattern (miyagawa)
* Rule::Fresh: Handle empty dates better (cwest)
* Aggregator::Simple: handle Atom 1.0 date fields (miyagawa, cwest)
* Widget::HatenaBookmarkUsersCount: Support '#' in the URL (otsune)
* CustomFeed::Frepa: Fixed to support Frepa's new HTML (miyagawa)
== 0.5.5 (2006/03/03) ==
=== Core ===
* Added --version and shorter -c & -v to plagger script
* $entry->body_text now decode HTML entities correctly. #82
* New Plagger::Cache framework, accessible via $plugin->cache
* Added cookie_jar method to cache. $plugin->cache->cookie_jar
* config.yaml is now found using FindBin, rather than the current directory (Naoya Ito)
* New AUTHORS: Yoshiki Kurihara, Fumiaki Yoshimatsu, Masafumi Otsune, Takeshi Nagayama and fuba
=== New Plugins ===
* Filter::HatenaDiaryKeywordLink: Automatically link Hatena Diary Keywords in entry body (tokuhirom)
* Publish::Feed: Output Atom and RSS feeds using XML::Feed (clouder)
* Filter::ResolveRelativeLink: Fix relative links in entry body (miyagawa)
* CustomFeed::Yahoo360JP: Login to Yahoo! 360 Japan and fetch blogs and blasts (miyagawa)
* Filter::BulkfeedsTerms: Use Bulkfeeds API to fetch specific terms in entry (miyagawa)
* Filter::2chNewsokuTitle: Add prefix and postfix to entry title ala Newsoku style (miyagawa)
* Notify::Eject: eject your CD drive to notify feed updates! :-) (Yappo, fumiakiy, otsune)
* Publish::Pipe: use UNIX pipe to notify the updates to commands (e.g: lpr, /usr/bin/say) (youpy)
* Notify::Campfire: Notify feed updates to 37 signals' Campfire chat service (nagayama)
* Filter::Regexp: Update entry body by a regular expression in config (miyagawa)
* Publish::HatenaBookmark: post updates to Hatena Bookmark using Atom Protocol (fuba)
* CustomFeed::POP3: Fetch email using POP3 protocl and creates feed off of it (tokuhirom)
* Filter::RSSTimeZoneString: Fix RSS 2.0 bad timezone string in RFC 822 date format (miyagawa)
* Filter::FloatingDateTime: Fix floating datetime (dc:date and such) to your local timezone (kazeburo)
=== Plugins Updates ===
* Publish::Delicious: fix UTF-8 escape bug.
* Subscription::Bloglines: Added 'fetch_meta' option to fetch folder structure and feed URL
* Subscription::Bloglines: Fix annoying UTF-8 bad sequences by upgrading to WebService::Bloglines 0.10
* Filter::TTP: Added 'text_only' option to filter text element only in HTML. #76
* Fitler::StripRSSAd: Now it works with Bloglines subscription. Added Google AdSense pattern.
* Publish::IRC, Publish::MSAgent and Publish::Growl are now renamed to Notify::*
* Publish::Gmail: fixed typo in "Permalink" footer
* CustomFeed::Mixi, CustomFeed::Frepa now uses Cache framework to store persistent cookies
* CustomFeed::Frepa: support PNG buddyicon
* Publish::Gmail: do POP before SMTP authentication only once per whole publish
* Subscription::OPML and Aggregator::Simple now use URI::Fetch and Cache framework for conditional GET
== 0.5.4 (2006/02/27) ==
=== Core ===
* Makefile.PL has a much better dependencies definition #59 (Thanks to Daisuke Maki)
* Fixed multiple categories handling bug in Aggregator::Simple (Thanks to koyachi)
* Added body_text, title_text convinience methods to Feed and Entry
* Now uses FindBin module to find templates directory in a better way (youpy)
* New authors: Daisuke Maki, Tokuhiro Matsuno and Tsutomu Koyachi
=== New Plugins ===
* Aggregator::Xango - POE based high-speed parallel crawling (daisuke)
* Publish::PDF - Create PDF files based on feeds (miyagawa)
* Publish::Speech - Make the feeds as an audio using Text-to-Speech (miyagawa)
* Publish::MSAgent - Let Microsoft Agent speak feeds content (miyagawa)
* Publish::Growl - Send feed notifications to Mac OSX Growl (kazeburo)
* Filter::tDiaryComment - strip comments from tDiary RSS (tokuhirom)
* Filter::TTP - replace ttp: with http: (tokuhirom)
* Filter::DeliciousFeedTags - split "foo bar baz" tags into array (miyagawa)
* Publish::Delicious - post entries to automatically (koyachi)
=== Plugins Updates ===
* Publish::Spotlight: Now it fallbacks to osascript when Mac::Glue is not installed
* Publish::MTWidget: Added an option to rebuild the blog templates after updating widgets
* Publish::Gmail: Added an option to support POP3 before SMTP (tokuhirom)
== 0.5.3 (2006/02/25) ==
=== Core ===
* Added aggregator.finalize, publish.entry and publish.init hook
* Added Plagger::Rule::Fresh to match with 'fresh' entries (thanks to youpy)
* Fixed bug with SmartFeed creating duplicated entries #61
* Support log:level global configuration flag to set min loglevel
=== Plugins ===
* Added Publish::Spotlight to create WebBookmark searchable with Spotlight (youpy)
* Added Search::Namazu to create HTML files searchable with Namazu (miyagawa)
* Added Search::Rast to index entries with Rast (Yappo)
* Added Publish::MTWidget to publish Movable Type Sidebar Manager widget (miyagawa)
* Added an option 'show_icon: 1', to show users pic in Frepa and Mixi custom feeds
* Fixed Subscription::Mailman to handle subject prefixes without index
* Publish::IRC now has 'announce: action' option to use CTCP ACTION rather than NOTICE
* Filter::StripRSSAd now strips Rakuten Hiroba ( ad pattern
* Fixed CustomFeed::Frepa to complete the trimmed title under fetch_body mode
* Fixed typo in Subscription::HatenaRSS
== 0.5.2 (2006/02/22) ==
* Added Subscription::HatenaRSS plugin to fetch subscription from Hatena RSS (
* Added Subscription::Odeo plugin to fetch subscription from Odeo ( #43
* Added Publish::IRC plugin to notify updates to IRC channel: #46 (Masayoshi Sekimura)
* Fixed critical bug that Rule::Expression is broken: #51
* Fixed Mailman CustomFeed bug around English localization: #49
* Added Filter::RSSStripAd plugin to strip ads of Google AdSense or #33
== 0.5.1 (2006/02/17) ==
* Updated package name from "plagger" to "Plagger"
* Fixed MANIFEST problem that doesn't contain "config.yaml.sample"
== 0.5.0 (2006/02/17) ==
* First release