package Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::MixiDiarySearch; use strict; use base qw( Plagger::Plugin ); use Encode; use HTML::Entities; use Plagger::UserAgent; use Plagger::Util qw( decode_content ); sub register { my($self, $context) = @_; $context->register_hook( $self, 'customfeed.handle' => \&handle, ); } sub handle { my($self, $context, $args) = @_; if ($args->{feed}->url =~ m!^http://mixi\.jp/search_diary\.pl\?.*keyword=!) { $self->aggregate($context, $args); return 1; } return; } sub aggregate { my($self, $context, $args) = @_; my $url = $args->{feed}->url; $context->log(info => "GET $url"); my $agent = Plagger::UserAgent->new; my $res = $agent->fetch($url, $self); if ($res->is_error) { $context->log(error => "GET $url failed: " . $res->status_code); return; } my $content = decode_content($res); my %query = URI->new($url)->query_form; # heh, this is a "Cache" my $title = "mixi: Search for " . decode("euc-jp", $query{keyword}); if (!$self->conf->{mixi_tos_paranoia}) { $title .= " (Cache)"; } my $feed = $args->{feed}; $feed->title($title); $feed->link($url); my $re = decode('utf-8', <<'RE'); <table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=550> <tr> <td WIDTH=90 VALIGN=top ROWSPAN=5 ALIGN=center background=http://img\.mixi\.jp/img/bg_line\.gif><a href="(view_diary\.pl\?id=\d+&owner_id=\d+)"><img SRC="(http://img\.mixi\.jp/photo/member/.*?\.\w+)" VSPACE=3 border=0></a></td> <td BGCOLOR=#FDF9F2><font COLOR=#996600>å å‰</font></td> <td COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>(.*?) \(.*?\) </td></tr> <tr> <td BGCOLOR=#FDF9F2><font COLOR=#996600>タイトル</font></td> <td COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>(.*?)</td></tr> <tr> <td BGCOLOR=#FDF9F2><font COLOR=#996600>本 æ–‡</font></td> <td COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>(.*?)</td></tr> <tr> <td NOWRAP BGCOLOR=#FDF9F2 WIDTH=80><font COLOR=#996600>作æˆæ—¥æ™‚</font></td> <td BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF WIDTH=220>(\d\d月\d\dæ—¥ \d\d:\d\d)</td> RE $content =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; my @matches; my @keys = qw( link photo name title body date ); my $date_format = decode("utf-8", "%Y %m月%dæ—¥ %H:%M"); while ($content =~ /$re/gs) { my $data; @{$data}{@keys} = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); my $now = Plagger::Date->now; my $current = $now->year; $data->{date} = Plagger::Date->strptime($date_format, "$current $data->{date}"); $data->{date}->set_time_zone('Asia/Tokyo'); # set floating datetime # one year ago, if the parsed datetime is in the future if ($data->{date} > $now) { $data->{date}->subtract(years => 1); } $data->{date}->set_time_zone(Plagger->context->conf->{timezone} || 'local'); my $entry = Plagger::Entry->new; $entry->title($data->{title}); $entry->link( URI->new_abs($data->{link}, $url) ); $entry->date($data->{date}); unless ($self->conf->{mixi_tos_paranoia}) { $entry->body( munge_body($data->{body}) ); $entry->icon({ url => URI->new_abs($data->{photo}, $url) }); $entry->author( decode_entities($data->{name}) ); } $feed->add_entry($entry); } $context->update->add($feed); } sub munge_body { my $body = shift; $body =~ s/<br>//g; decode_entities($body); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::MixiDiarySearch - Custom feed for mixi diary search =head1 SYNOPSIS global: user_agent: cookies: /path/to/cookies.txt plugins: - module: Subscription::Config config: feed: - - module: CustomFeed::MixiDiarySearch =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin creates a custom feed off of Mixi diary search. Since mixi requires login authentication for all pages, this plugin also requires a valid login cookie set to global I<user_agent> config. =head1 AUTHOR Tatsuhiko Miyagawa =head1 SEE ALSO L<Plagger>, L<> =cut