Revision history for Perl extension Tatsumaki

0.1003  Mon Nov 16 21:38:04 PST 2009
        - Revert to use Text::MicroTemplate::File for now

0.1002  Mon Nov 16 18:03:50 PST 2009
        - Remove client ID from MXHR example because it's not needed
        - Specify lowest Mouse deps to make it work
        - Delay load Text::MicroTemplate so you can use other template engines like TT2 (ingydotnet)
        - Use Text::MicroTemplate::Extended by default (faultier, typester)

0.1001  Wed Nov 11 23:30:24 PST 2009
        - use Any::Moose: now all deps should run in pure perl, with optional XS speedups

0.1000  Wed Nov 11 01:35:05 PST 2009
        - Initial version to CPAN