Revision history for Perl extension Web::Scraper

0.04  Wed May  9 00:55:32 PDT 2007
        - *API CHANGE* Now scraper {} returns Web::Scraper object and not closure.
          You should call ->scrape() to get the response back.

          I loved the code returning closure, but this is more compatible to
          scrapi.rb API and hopefully less confusing to people.

0.03  Tue May  8 23:04:13 PDT 2007
        - use 'TEXT' rather than 'content' to grab text from element
          to be more compatible with scrapi
        - Added unit tests using Test::Base
        - Refactored internal code for easier reading
        - chained callbacks are now passed HTML::Element, not HTML, to avoid double HTML parsing
        - Implemented callbacks (iterator) API
        - Added 'process_first' to be compatible with scrapi

0.02  Tue May  8 20:03:37 PDT 2007
        - Added dependencies to Makefile.PL

0.01  Tue May  8 04:05:59 2007
        - original version