
Revision history for XML::Atom

0.25  2006.11.30
    * Fixed memory leaks in XML::Atom::Client
      (Reported by Brian Cassidy)

0.24  2006.11.25
    * Updated document to mention that ID creation is user's responsibility
    * Added $feed->as_xml_utf8 which always returns UTF-8 bytes string, rather than UTF-8 flagged one.
      This addresses annoying issues with UTF-8 vs. latin-1 (Thanks to Rui Vilela #21191)
    * Better fix for the hateful default: prefix issue in libxml2; now we
      remove the default\d* prefix on any nodes and set the proper namespace
    * Fix to the test case since 0x242 is now printable character in bleadperl
      (Thanks to Andreas Koenig and Steve Peters)
    * Skip tests if 'euc-jp' is unknown encoding on your XML library
      (via CPAN testers)

0.23  2006.08.27
    * Fixed the method to get xml:lang and xml:base due to the
      XML::LibXML 1.60 change which invalidated it.

0.22  2006.07.24
    * Refactored internal element accessors by eating the new dog food
      mk_elem_accessors and mk_object_list_accessor.
    * Added support of Atom 1.0 <category> parse and generation
    * Added $thing->links and $thing->categories as a moniker method
      that returns an array reference in a scalar context
    * Fixed a bug in $content->body() where it accidentally thinks the
      content is not a valid Unicode string even if it is, if you call
      eval {} in elsewhere in the code and $@ is left set.
      (Thanks to Chris Dent for the patch)

0.21  2006.07.13
    * propagate $entry's version when we create content element off of entry
      using $entry->content("foo") syntax.
      (Thanks to Simon Wistow for spotting this bug)

0.20  2006.07.12
    * Lots of refactoring, which simplifies much of the code in the various
      construct modules (Person, Link, etc), and which should also make it
      much more straightforward to add extension classes in the future.
    * Added global $XML::Atom::ForceUnicode flag to return everything as Unicode flagged
      (Suggested by many people)
    * Added global $XML::Atom::DefaultVersion flag to set default
      version number for generated Atom feed. Defaults to 0.3 (for backward compatibility)
    * Added support for atom:content @type in Atom 1.0 feeds
      (Suggested by many people, especially Chris Dent and Andy Lester from Socialtext)

0.19  2006.03.19
    * Fix 0.18 bug where renaming stuff was totally broken.

0.18  2006.03.16
    * Support Atom 0.3 -> 1.0 renaming bits (issued -> published,
      modified -> updated, tagline -> subtitle)
    * $atom->content->body doesn't return Unicode flagged variable
      anymore, even if it's text/ data. Now it just returns UTF-8 bytes.
      (Thanks to Garth Webb)

0.17  2006.02.22
    * Fixed problem with XML::XPath

0.16  2005.11.22
    * Fixed a terrible bug when you set binary data to $entry->content

0.15  2005.11.01
    - Fixed bug found in mode => 'insert'
      (Thanks to Dominic Mitchell)

0.14  2005.10.21
    - Fixed bug that it decodes binary data as UTF-8 octet
      (Thanks to Mahlon E. Smith)
    - Don't eat up STDIN in cgi-mode
      (Thanks to Bayle Shanks)

    - Now supports insert mode, by passing hash reference in add_entry
      $feed->add_entry($entry, { mode => 'insert' });
      (Thanks to Dominic Mitchell)

0.13_01  2005.09.13
    - Now supports creating version 1.0 feed by passing new(Version => 1.0)
    - Be more strict in utf-8 handling and base64ing
      (Thanks to Dave Rolsky)

0.13  2005.08.18
    - Bumped up the version

    - $feed->version now returns 1.0 when xmlns patches with that for 1.0
    - Fixed segmentation fault problem with <atom:content> longer than 2.5k
      (Thanks to Chris Dent and Ryan King)
    - No unicode decode hack on content withou mode="xml"

0.12_01  2005.07.19
    - Added Atom 1.0 feed support for parsing
    - Hacked Unicode entity in $content->body
    - Added $entry->contributor
    - $entry->contributor and $entry->person returns list in list context
    - Added $content->lang and $content->base (xml:lang and xml:base)
    - Make sure $feed->as_xml doesn't set utf-8 flag

0.12  2005.06.07
    - Documentation fixes for XML::Atom::Server. Thanks to Tatsuhiko
      Miyagawa for the patch.
    - Removed XML::LibXSLT usage. Too much pain for too little gain.
      To be clear: all it was doing was namespace normalization, so
      removing it should make no difference.
    - Fixed _utf8_off bug in XML::Atom::Client that causes fatal error
      in POSTing multibyte content (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa, Masayoshi Sekimura)
    - Added XML::Atom::Thing::add method to allow $entry->add()
      (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)

0.11  2005.02.23
    - Remove the default: namespace when converting to XML using as_xml
      (the earlier fix only fixed it when getting the contents of an entry
      using $entry->content).
    - UTF-8 data is no longer base64-encoded in XML::Atom::Content. Thanks
      to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for the patch.
    - Added XML::Atom::Entry::getlist($ns, $element) to retrieve the values
      of an element that may appear multiple times in the entry (like
      dc:subject). Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for the patch.
    - Added ability to set namespaced attributes in an XML::Atom::Link
      object. Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for the patch.
    - XML::Atom::Entry::add_link($link) no longer clones $link if it's
      a XML::Atom::Link object. Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for the

0.10  2004.12.31
    - Eliminated unitialized value warning on <link /> attributes that
      aren't set.
    - Added XML::Atom::Feed->version to get and set the version of the feed.
    - XML::Atom::Feed->language can now be used to set the language of
      the feed.
    - Added support for using XML::XPath in XML::Atom::Server. Thanks to
      Autrijus Tang for the patch.

0.09  2004.07.29
    - Fixed "500 Malformed characters in syswrite" bug with utf-8. Thanks to
      Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for the patch.
    - Fixed bug in server where empty XML response would cause an error. Thanks
      to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for the patch.

0.08  2004.06.01
    - Added XML::Atom::Feed::language method, which returns the language
      of the feed (from 'xml:lang').
    - Added XML::Atom::Feed::author, which returns a XML::Atom::Person
      object representing the <author> element.
    - Remove the default: namespace prefix that XML::LibXML adds inside
      <content mode="xml"> elements.
    - Use LWP::Authen::Wsse module for WSSE authentication when in REST
      mode, which handles redirects properly.

0.07  2004.05.15
    - Added (experimental) support for using XML::XPath as an alternative
      to XML::LibXML. This is detected automatically upon loading XML::Atom;
      XML::LibXML is still the default.
    - WSSE authentication tokens now persist properly across server
      redirects. Thanks to Autrijus Tang for the patch.
    - Fixed bug where empty password (empty string or "0") would cause
      an invalid login in Atom server core. Also, improved error message
      on invalid password for security. Thanks to Tatsuhiki Miyagawa
      for the patch.

0.06  2004.04.14
      Fixed Nonce behavior in API. Nonce should be sent in base64-encoded
      form in SOAP and REST requests, but decoded (raw) nonce should be used
      when generating PasswordDigest.
    - Feed->add_link and Entry->add_link now support the same hash
      reference parameter style as used in 0.041 and below, in addition
      to the XML::Atom::Link parameter.
    - Fixed bug with Feed->link so that it no longer returns links that
      are contained within <entry> elements within the <feed>.

0.05  2004.01.05
      Removed XML::Atom::Entry::get_links and XML::Atom::Feed::get_links,
      in favor of new link() method in both classes, which returns a list
      of XML::Atom::Link objects. Also, add_link() now expects an
      XML::Atom::Link object instead of a hash reference.
      Renamed XML::Atom::API to XML::Atom::Client.
    - Added XML::Atom::Link, an encapsulation of the <link> tag in a feed
      or an entry.
    - Added XML::Atom::Server, an implementation of an Atom core server
      (to be subclassed for implementation-specific methods).
    - Fixed feed auto-discovery to work with all client tests at
    - Added (and documented) XML::Atom::Feed->find_feeds, to return all
      of the Atom feed URIs on a page given a URI.
    - Fixed issue with PasswordDigest in API (use sha(), not hex(sha())
      for generating password digest).
    - Stream parameter to XML::Atom::Entry::new and XML::Atom::Feed::new
      is now optional; if passed only one parameter, it's assumed to be
      the Stream parameter.
    - Fixed bug in XML::Atom::Content::as_xml (it didn't work).

0.041 2003.12.15
    - Fixed issue with calling $entry->content on list of entries generated
      from $feed->entries. (Thanks to esummers for the report.)

0.04  2003.12.14
      <content> elements are now represented as XML::Atom::Content objects
      instead of just get/set accessors. You can still set
      XML::Atom::Entry::content with a scalar (it will be automatically
      upgraded to an XML::Atom::Content object), but to get the value of
      <content>, you need to call XML::Atom::Content::Body. For example:
    - XML::Atom::Entry::content now removes the <div> wrapper from
      XHTML <content> when called with no arguments.
    - Changed XML::Atom::Author to XML::Atom::Person and re-implemented it.
    - Changed "WSSE" to "UsernameToken" in X-WSSE header.

0.03  2003.12.05
    - Added XML::Atom::Author to represent author or contributor, with
      accessors for name, email, URL, etc.
    - Updated XML::Atom::API per the 08 API spec:
          * Removed searchEntries and replaced it with getFeed
          * Removed introspection and replaced it with URI parameters
            to createEntry and getFeed (introspection will be added
            back in once it is more locked down)
    - Added support for easily adding <link> tags to feed or entry
      (eg XML::Atom::Feed::add_link) and getting <link> tags from feed or
      entry (eg XML::Atom::Feed::get_links).
    - Fixed XML::Atom::Thing::get to return undef when an element is
      not found in the object at all (it used to return the empty string).

0.02  2003.09.28
    - Completely revamped authentication mechanism to use X-WSSE header
      (or corresponding SOAP headers).
    - Removed 03-client.t test, because there aren't any publicly
      available servers to test against. (Are there?)
    - Added support for SOAP wrapper in API client.
    - Added namespace support in XML::Atom::Namespace using get and set
      methods in XML::Atom::Entry and XML::Atom::Feed.
    - Added namespace normalization for produced XML (if XML::LibXSLT
      is installed). This is really just a cosmetic thing.

0.01  2003.09.07
    - Initial distribution.