Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Log4perl.

0.03  Sat May 20 2006

  If a statement is executed with $sth->execute and it changes rows
  then log the affected rows.

  Added more tests and support for setting DB login details.

0.02  Mon Apr 24 2006

  Internal error handler changes:
    The message passed to the internal error handler was never written to
      the log file.
    The $dbi Statement attribute was not being logged to the log file

  Add new dbix_l4p_logdie method

  README changes

  Don't output "execute: undef" is execute is called with no args,
  just output "execute:"

  Add $DBI::lasth->{Type} and $DBI::lasth->{Statement} output to

  When do called, save SQL in Statement. This is because if an app
  calls do for an insert/update/delete and the operation succeeds (in
  DBI terms) BUT the app knows it has logically failed (e.g. inserted
  0 rows when it expected 1) the app may call dbix_l4p_logdie and we
  want the SQL to be visible.

0.01  Mon Apr  3 16:10:52 2006
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-A -X --compat-version=5.8.4 --use-new-tests -v 0.01 -n DBIx::Log4perl