Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Log4perl.
0.12 Thur July 17 2008
Code added to 0.11 to show statement number does not handle the
selectrow_xxx and selectall_xxx methods when called with an already
prepared statement handle. It does now.
DBIx::Log4perl::st::bind_param log output was missing a closing
bracket and also missing the connection number.
The DBIx::Log4perl error handler did not cope with the fact that
some statements (those magicked into existence by DBD::Oracle using
ORA_RSET i.e., a cursor returned from a function or procedure) do
not have any recorded SQL. This led to use of unitialised value in
Fix finish method bug when used on a statement handle returned as
an output bound parameter in DBD::Oracle. The log handle was not
always set (see notes on similar fix in 0.11) which can lead to
unitialised value errors.
0.11 Thur April 17 2008
DBIx::Log4perl did not support the use of statement handles returned
as output bound parameters in DBD::Oracle because it had not seen
them created and hence had not injected the log handle into them.
DBIx::Log4perl was changed to only retrieve Oracle dbms_output if
the logging handle has debug enabled but unfortunately it was
continuing to enable dbms_output regardless of logging mode. As a
result, once dbms_output was enabled, the Oracle dbms_output buffer
starts filling and once full your procedures die.
DBIx::Log4perl no longer sets $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth to 2 in the
BEGIN because the depth depends on the method you are in. Instead
Log::Log4perl::caller_depth is set in each method.
Database methods and statement methods are now logged with one or more
numbers (in brackets) indicating which connection or statement handle
is being used. e.g.,
DEBUG - connect(0): DBI:CSV:
DEBUG - connect(1): DBI:CSV:
DEBUG - connect(2): DBI:CSV:
DEBUG - do(0): 'drop table fred'
DEBUG - prepare(0.3): 'insert into fred (id, name) values(?,?)'
DEBUG - $execute_array(0.3) = [undef,1,'one'];
DEBUG - $bind_param_array(0.3) = [1,1];
DEBUG - $bind_param_array(0.3) = [2,'one'];
DEBUG - finish(0.3)
which shows 3 connections numbered 0, 1 and 2 and the prepare etc
methods are all called in connection 0 using statement 3 i.e.,
where there is one number it is a connection and where there are
two e.g., (0.3), the first is the connection and the second the
A modest speed up when using DBIx::Log4perl and some categories of
logging are disabled.
Connect method could use uninitialised dsn/user if they are not set
in the connect call e.g. DBI:CSV:
0.10 Tues January 29 2008
The disconnect code was not checking that our private handle in the
dbh was valid before using it to log a disconnect message. It was also
not checking the logger handle was valid.
In execute_array protect against concatenating a possible undef in
the log message.
Changed BEGIN in DBIx::Log4perl to set Log::Log4perl::caller_depth to 2
so that when Log4perl logs where the message was output it ignores the
lowest 2 levels of the stack which are probably DBIx::Log4perl - thanks
to Michael Scoltock for pointing that out. If you really want the original
behavior do a $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth = 0 after connecting.
If DBIX_L4P_LOG_DBDSPECIFIC was enabled the execute method could
make a lot of calls to DBD::Oracle's dbms_output_get method even
though logging was not enabled.
Minor change to _dbix_l4p_debug to speed it up when logging is not
In DBIx::Log4perl::st::execute speed it up when debug logging is
disabled, DBIX_L4P_LOG_DBDSPECIFIC is enabled and we are using
Do not output any log for Oracle dbms_output before checking we
got some.
0.09 Fri February 23 2007
Dump to 0.09.
Add new DBIX_L4P_LOG_DBDSPECIFIC constant and add it to the default logging.
If DBIX_L4P_LOG_DBDSPECIFIC is set (it is by default) and the driver is
DBD::Oracle then enable dbms_output.
Change the statement execute method to retrieve DBD::Oracle dbms_output
buffer and write to the log file under DEBUG level.
Change some dies to croaks where we want the error to be reported in
the application's context - e.g. wrong number of args passed in.
In execute method fix a small bug using logical and instead of
bitwise and to check whether we are logging errors.
In bind_param_inout, don't log if the caller is DBD::something as
this is an internal call from a DBD e.g. when you call
func('dbms_output_get') in DBD::Oracle it prepares/executes and bind
parameters and we don't want this logged.
0.08 Fri September 1 2006
Bump to 0.08.
Fix minor bug in pod "$dbh - DBIx::Log4perl->connect(..." should
be "=" not "-".
Fix bug in pod with DBIx_l4p_class.
In execute_array handle case where it does not insert/update anything
so we report the number of affected rows as 0.
In execute_array we add an ArrayTupleStatus if one was no provided so
the later code which looks for ArrayTupleStatus being set is redundant.
Further fixes to execute_array due to misreading the DBI
specification. execute_array returns undef for error or the number
of tuples executed. DBIx::Log4perl was incorrectly assuming the
execute_array return was the number of affected rows. NOTE most DBDs
don't return the correct values anyway - see note in
Added support for new array context supporting execute_array to be
added in DBI 1.53.
Fix bug in Makefile.PL causing DBI_PASS to be ignored during testing.
Default test table to "drop_me_dbixl4p"
Disable PrintError in simple.t when test table is being dropped in
case it does not exist.
Log ArrayTupleStatus in execute_array calls.
Fix issue 23500. File::Spec::tmpdir might not return a
directory on Windows. Test before attempting to use it.
0.07 Tues July 25 2006
Fix bug in execute_array which did not handle scalars in parameter
list for execute array. e.g.
\@p1_list, # OK
$p2 # was not handled properly
Added support to execute_array to automatically add an
ArrayTupleStatus if one was not specified so DBIx::Log4perl can log
errors in execute_array.
Fixed bug in execute_array where comparison with logging mask
was && instead of &.
Fixed bug in execute_array which did not handle passing undef
attributes as first argument to execute_array.
Added missing support for finish method in DBI.
Added missing support for prepare_cached method in DBI.
Added missing support for get_info method in DBI.
0.06 Fri Jun 23 2006
Added example captured error and description to POD.
Fix problem where attribute DBIx_l4p_logmask was not documented
properly and was not acted upon.
execute_array was logging errors even when not asked to.
Fix problem where error handler was not put in place unless some
attributes are passed in the connect method.
Fix unitialised string in ne in the do method if the do method in
the driver failed.
Changes to Captured error output:
reformatted to be more readable
differentiate DBI::lasth Statement from SQL on other handles
Collect sub statements off and dbh and output any values and
ParamValues at the end.
Fix bug dereferencing Statement from private__DBIx_Log4perl handle
instead of the dbh.
Add Kids and ActiveKids output
ParamValues for some methods where the statement was already
destroyed e.g. a failed do, were not output in the captured
error because they were not saved.
Change error handler to display true number of sub statements
(ChildHandles) under a dbh instead of the index of the last child
handle i.e. show 0 not -1 for none. Add missing newline in output.
Avoid problem in global cleanup with
"(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value" message
when disconnect not called.
Avoid logging of do method calls showing prepare/execute and affected
0.05 Fri Jun 16 2006
Fixed a few typos in the pod.
Fixed bug in DBIx::Log4perl::prepare which was causing a non-Null
statement handle to be returned when the driver's prepare method
failed. When this handle was then used to execute a statement
DBI would spot it was not a proper handle and complain with:
dbih_getcom handle HASH(0x8c995d8) is not a DBI handle (has no magic)
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DBIx/Log4perl/ line 61
and you might have seen something like the following on stderr for
your Perl application:
SV = RV(0x89a8e70) at 0x8e19950
RV = 0x8c995d8
Fixed issue in the error handler which does not handle ParamValues
hash keys having undefined values.
Fixed issue in _dbix_l4p_debug which was stopping calls to
$sth->execute without any arguments being logged.
Fixed typo in test skipped message in simple.t
0.04 Sun May 21 2006
Additional tests mentioned in 0.03 omitted from MANIFEST
Add requirement on Test::more 0.62 because we are using
Test::Mores' BAIL_OUT.
Updated README to include instructions on defining your database
0.03 Sat May 20 2006
If a statement is executed with $sth->execute and it changes rows
then log the affected rows.
Added more tests and support for setting DB login details.
0.02 Mon Apr 24 2006
Internal error handler changes:
The message passed to the internal error handler was never written to
the log file.
The $dbi Statement attribute was not being logged to the log file
Add new dbix_l4p_logdie method
README changes
Don't output "execute: undef" is execute is called with no args,
just output "execute:"
Add $DBI::lasth->{Type} and $DBI::lasth->{Statement} output to
When do called, save SQL in Statement. This is because if an app
calls do for an insert/update/delete and the operation succeeds (in
DBI terms) BUT the app knows it has logically failed (e.g. inserted
0 rows when it expected 1) the app may call dbix_l4p_logdie and we
want the SQL to be visible.
0.01 Mon Apr 3 16:10:52 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-A -X --compat-version=5.8.4 --use-new-tests -v 0.01 -n DBIx::Log4perl