Revision history for App-DBCritic

0.020     2011-09-15 15:32:37 America/New_York
    rename to App-DBCritic
0.014     2011-08-30 16:13:33 America/New_York
    bump up required perl to 5.10.1 to deal with Moo & Sub::Quote issues
    some minor POD, test and code readability fixes
0.013     2011-08-16 10:34:11 America/New_York
    use DBICSC::PolicyType roles for applies_to attributes in policies,
        should make writing plugins for multiple types of objects as easy
        as composing multiple roles
    explicit version requirements for *both* DBIC and DBIC::Schema::Loader
    experimenting with inlining some defaults with Sub::Quote
0.012     2011-08-06 18:57:20 America/New_York
    bump DBIC::Schema::Loader requirement to 0.07007
    add DBICSC::Policy::DuplicateRelationships (requested by frew++)
0.011     2011-08-06 13:49:04 America/New_York
    require more recent version of DBIx::Class
    fix synopsis (reported by frew++)
    fill in DBICSC::Policy::NullableTextColumn pod with data types checked
0.010     2011-07-29 16:44:18 America/New_York
    converted from Moose to Moo object framework (requested by mst++)
0.005     2011-07-29 13:04:52 America/New_York
    dsn is now a required attribute, defaults to schema object's storage.
    cache stringification of Violation objects
0.004     2011-07-28 18:29:40 America/New_York
    initial release