package App::bif::log; use strict; use warnings; use feature 'state'; use locale; use parent 'App::bif::Context'; use utf8; use Text::Autoformat qw/autoformat/; our $VERSION = '0.1.0_28'; sub init { my $self = shift; $self->{_now} = time; $self->colours(qw/bold yellow white dark reset/); } sub run { my $self = __PACKAGE__->new(shift); my $db = $self->db(); if ( $self->{id} ) { my $info = $self->get_topic( $self->{id} ); my $class = "App::bif::log::$info->{kind}"; if ( eval "require $class" ) { $self->{path} = delete $self->{id} if ( $info->{kind} eq 'project' ); return $class->can('run')->($self); } die $@ if $@; return $self->err( 'LogUnimplemented', 'cannnot log type: ' . $info->{kind} ); } $self->{order} = 'time'; require App::bif::log::repo; return App::bif::log::repo::run($self); } sub reformat { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; my $depth = shift || 0; $depth-- if $depth; my $left = 1 + 4 * $depth; my $indent = ' ' x $depth; my @result; foreach my $para ( split /\n\n/, $text ) { if ( $para =~ m/^[^\s]/ ) { push( @result, autoformat( $para, { left => $left } ) ); } else { $para =~ s/^/$indent/gm; push( @result, $para, "\n\n" ); } } return @result; } my $title; my $path; sub log_item { my $self = shift; my $row = shift; my $type = shift; $title = $row->{title}; $path = $row->{path}; ( my $id = $row->{change_id} ) =~ s/(.+)\./$self->{_colours}->{yellow}$1$self->{_colours}->{dark}\./; my @data = ( $self->header( $self->{_colours}->{yellow} . $row->{change_id}, $self->{_colours}->{yellow} . $row->{action}, $row->{change_uuid} ), $self->header( 'From', $row->{author}, $row->{email} ), ); push( @data, $self->header( 'To', $row->{path} ) ) if $row->{path}; push( @data, $self->header( 'When', $self->ago( $row->{mtime}, $row->{mtimetz} ) ) ); if ( $row->{status} ) { push( @data, $self->header( 'Subject', "[$row->{path}][$row->{status}] $row->{title}" ) ); } else { push( @data, $self->header( 'Subject', "[$row->{path}] $row->{title}" ) ); } foreach my $field (@_) { next unless defined $field->[1]; push( @data, $self->header(@$field) ); } print $self->render_table( 'l l', undef, \@data ) . "\n"; print $self->reformat( $row->{message} ), "\n"; return; } sub log_comment { my $self = shift; my $row = shift; my @data; push( @data, $self->header( $self->{_colours}->{dark} . $self->{_colours}->{yellow} . $row->{change_id}, $self->{_colours}->{dark} . $self->{_colours}->{yellow} . $row->{action}, $row->{change_uuid} ), $self->header( 'From', $row->{author}, $row->{email} ), ); $path = $row->{path} if $row->{path}; push( @data, $self->header( 'To', $path ) ) if $path; push( @data, $self->header( 'When', $self->ago( $row->{mtime}, $row->{mtimetz} ) ) ); if ( $row->{title} ) { $title = $row->{title} if $row->{title}; push( @data, $self->header( 'Subject', "$title" ) ); } elsif ( $row->{status} ) { push( @data, $self->header( 'Subject', "[$row->{status}] $title" ) ); } else { push( @data, $self->header( 'Subject', "↪ $title" ) ); } foreach my $field (@_) { next unless defined $field->[1]; push( @data, $self->header(@$field) ); } print $self->render_table( 'l l', undef, \@data, 4 * ( $row->{depth} - 1 ) ) . "\n"; if ( $row->{push_to} ) { print "[Pushed to " . $row->{push_to} . "]\n\n\n"; } else { print $self->reformat( $row->{message}, $row->{depth} ), "\n"; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME bif-log - review the repository or topic history =head1 VERSION 0.1.0_28 (2014-09-23) =head1 SYNOPSIS bif log [ITEM] [OPTIONS...] =head1 DESCRIPTION The C<bif log> command displays repository history. Without any arguments it is equivalent to C<bif log repo --order time>, which displays the history of changes in the current repository in reverse chronological order. =head1 ARGUMENTS & OPTIONS =over =item ITEM A topic kind. As a shortcut, if ITEM is a topic ID or a project PATH then the ITEM kind will be looked up and the appropriate sub-command run. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<bif>(1) =head1 AUTHOR Mark Lawrence E<lt>nomad@null.netE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2013-2014 Mark Lawrence <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.