=for bif-doc #intro bif-doc-faq - frequently asked questions =head1 Bif Frequently Asked Questions =head2 General =head3 What kind of questions go in here? Anything related to bif of course. =head3 What kind of other questions go in here? I'm just filling space here to see what this looks like. =head2 Not so General =head3 What kind of other questions go in here? I'm just filling space here to see what this looks like. =head3 What kind of questions go in here? Anything related to bif of course. =head3 What kind of other questions go in here? I'm just filling space here to see what this looks like. =head3 What kind of questions go in here? Anything related to bif of course. =head2 Bif Deployment Models =head3 How does my organisation work with a downstream/upstream project? Say for example there are two organisations: downstream and upstream. The downstream project manager might want to send a C<bifhub link> request to the upstream hub asking for collaboration permission: =for bifcode #!sh # Downstream project manager bifhub link downstream upstream.org@provider.com [upstream] If upstream agrees to link with your project, their project manager will link back, reversing the arguments: =for bifcode #!sh # Upstream project manager bifhub link upstream downstream.org@provider.com downstream Bif doesn't actually make a distinction between upstream/downstream so the two examples above could occur in reverse (chronological) order if upstream decided to work with downstream first. When the users of either project next perform a C<bif sync>, the list of projects from the other project will be imported. You can view them using the L<bif list projects> command: =for bifcode #!sh bif list projects upstream # Hub Project Title # ------------------------------------- # upstream stable The stable project # upstream devel The devel project Note that these are shallow imports, in that only the projects and their status types are copied, and not their issues and/or tasks. Afterwards, downstream can push issues upstream like so: =for bifcode #!sh # Downstream project user bif push 34 project upstream Be aware that this is a two way collaboration - upstream can also push issues downstream if they wish! I'll leave it up to the reader to think of the use cases for that.