0.11.3_2 (2016-05-21)

        - Don't use the defined-or "//" operator - min perl version

0.11.3_1 (2016-05-20)

    Bug Fixes:
       - Fix license typo in Makefile.PL (Mohammad S Anwar)
       - Replace backup/recover (stash/pop) implementation with setting
         GIT_WORK_TREE to a temporary directory. This should fix

0.11.2 (2016-01-20)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - Added a "--force" option to install, to overwrite existing
          git hooks

        - Use Path::Tiny everywhere instead of File::Spec::Functions
        - Convert to OptArgs
        - More robust tests
        - Reduce testing noise:
            - Do not build on systems without a git.
            - Do run run make tests on systems without a make.
        - Detect plenv scripts as Perl

    Bug Fixes:
        - Full-path issue:
        - Allow multiple 'make' arguments
        - Properly handle paths with spaces or other odd characters
          (thanks to Finn Smith)

0.10.2 (2012-06-27)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - Tidying of POD is now optional. Pod::Tidy will only be called
          if .podtidy-opts exists (and is in the repository)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Replace lost verbosity with internal *::Tidy calls

0.10.1 (2012-05-06)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - Use Pod::Tidy directly instead of calling out to podtidy(1)
        - Use Perl::Tidy directly instead of calling out to perltidy(1)

    Bug Fixes:
        - None.

0.10.0 (2012-05-06)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - Support a project-wide ".podtidy-opts" file

        - None.

    Bug Fixes:
        - None.

0.9.3 (2012-05-05)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - Attempt to make tests a little more portable

    Bug Fixes:
        - None.

0.9.2 (2012-05-05)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - None.

    Bug Fixes:
        - Stop using hard-coded /usr/bin/perl in tests

0.9.1 (2012-05-03)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - Second release to CPAN
        - Include dummy App::githook_perltidy module for CPAN indexing
        - Move to a http://semver.org style versioning scheme

    Bug Fixes:
        - _Really_ Handle partially indexed files better on post-commit

0.04 (2012-05-01)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - Handle partially indexed files better on post-commit
        - Distribution name change to App-githook-perltidy.
        - First release to CPAN (mostly for the tester reports)

    Bug Fixes:
        - None.

0.03 (2011-10-14)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - PERLTIDY_MAKE environment variable support.
        - Small portability fixes.

    Bug Fixes:
        - IMPORTANT! Properly detect a partial dirty tree.

0.02 (2011-09-20)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - Depend on Pod::Tidy and Perl::Tidy to bring in the CLI tools.
        - Initial tests added.

    Bug Fixes:
        - IMPORTANT! Actually do what the documentation claims:
            * Detect perltidy failure
            * Stop commit on failure

0.01 (2011-09-19)

    Initial Release.