0.0.10 (2013-12-14)

    API Changes:
        - Consistent naming of DBIx::ThinSQL::Deploy::* methods

    New Features:
        - New methods:

        - Remove redundant logging where DBI's trace works better
        - Remove hack to make SQLite sequences work, replaced by
          "create_sqlite_sequence" function in DBIx::ThinSQL::SQLite.

    Bug Fixes:
        - None.

0.0.8 (2013-06-11)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - New log_debug() method for SELECTing straight to Log::Any

        - Convert HASH arguments to functions as 'KEY = bv(VAL)'
        - Support for [insert_info => ARRAYREF] constructs
        - Interpret SCALAR references in HASH values as raw SQL

    Bug Fixes:
        - None.

0.0.6 (2013-05-27)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - Sub-query support via the sq() function
        - dump() and xdump() methods for debugging

        - Handle UNION [ALL] statements
        - Warn on unknown deployment file type

    Bug Fixes:
        - Only rollback if error doesn't occur on commit.
        - Skip tests in Deploy.t when no valid handles available

0.0.4 (2013-05-20)

    API Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - None.

    Bug Fixes:
        - Don't include a blib/ directory in the distribution.

0.0.2 (2013-04-06)

    Initial Release