0.0.26 (2014-09-10)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- Accept "column !" in hashref keys to simulate not-equals.
- None.
Bug Fixes:
- None.
0.0.24 (2014-08-30)
API Changes:
- Methods RENAMED:
xarray() -> xarrayref()
xarrays() -> xarrayrefs()
xhash() -> xhashref()
xhashes() -> xhashrefs()
- xarrayref() no longer returns a list. Functionality replaced
by the new xlist() method.
New Features:
- New methods:
xval() returns a single scalar
xlist() returns first row as a list
- None.
Bug Fixes:
- None.
0.0.22 (2014-06-30)
API Changes:
- $sth->xarrays in scalar context now returns undef on empty
rows. Callers can check for definedness if need be before
New Features:
- None.
- None.
Bug Fixes:
- None.
0.0.20 (2014-06-13)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- None.
- None.
Bug Fixes:
- Translate arrayrefs as "IN (?,?)" for ON hashrefs
0.0.18 (2014-04-10)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- None.
- Remove unecessary subtest() calls in tests
Bug Fixes:
- Make drop_everything() independent of individual drop methods
- SQLite: drop_tables() also needs to drop indexes & triggers
0.0.16 (2014-04-07)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- None.
- None.
Bug Fixes:
- Include a proper MANIFEST (0.0.14 was broken).
0.0.14 (2014-04-07)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- None.
- Add UPDATE ... SET support
- Split drop_everything() into individual methods
- Call DBI->do() from xdo() when no bind values required
Bug Fixes:
- Ensure VALUES appears when argument is not an ARRAY or HASH
- Correctly handle SCALAR refs in VALUES hashrefs
0.0.12 (2013-12-26)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- None.
- Insert DEFAULT VALUES when given empty structures
Bug Fixes:
- Stop "shift" warnings on earlier Perls.
- Do not include trailing ";" in prepare statements
0.0.10 (2013-12-14)
API Changes:
- Consistent naming of DBIx::ThinSQL::Deploy::* methods
New Features:
- New methods:
- Remove redundant logging where DBI's trace works better
- Remove hack to make SQLite sequences work, replaced by
"create_sqlite_sequence" function in DBIx::ThinSQL::SQLite.
Bug Fixes:
- None.
0.0.8 (2013-06-11)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- New log_debug() method for SELECTing straight to Log::Any
- Convert HASH arguments to functions as 'KEY = bv(VAL)'
- Support for [insert_info => ARRAYREF] constructs
- Interpret SCALAR references in HASH values as raw SQL
Bug Fixes:
- None.
0.0.6 (2013-05-27)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- Sub-query support via the sq() function
- dump() and xdump() methods for debugging
- Handle UNION [ALL] statements
- Warn on unknown deployment file type
Bug Fixes:
- Only rollback if error doesn't occur on commit.
- Skip tests in Deploy.t when no valid handles available
0.0.4 (2013-05-20)
API Changes:
- None.
New Features:
- None.
- None.
Bug Fixes:
- Don't include a blib/ directory in the distribution.
0.0.2 (2013-04-06)
Initial Release