0.05 (2011-09-08)

    API Changes:
        - N/A

    New Features:
        - N/A

        - Small documentation fixes.

    Bug Fixes:
        - N/A

Sun Jun 27 10:56:12 CEST 2010

    Add bugtracker and repo information to Makefile.PL.
    Allow caller to specify what -b value was given to remind.
    Uploaded to CPAN as v0.04.

Sat Jun 26 22:27:27 CEST 2010

    Removed META.yml from git control.
    Add .git to MANIFEST.SKIP
    Small cleanups to Date::Remind::Event.
    More small cleanups, tests, and doc improvements.
    Better handle various inputs for different -b values.
    Rename dur() to duration()
    Uploaded to CPAN as v0.03.

Sat Jun 26 17:59:36 CEST 2010

    Initial Release.