2.0.0_4 (2022-09-28)

    API / Behaviour Changes:
        - Replace 'ishelp' attribute with isa => OptArgs2::STYLE_HELP
        - Move to "optargs => \@ARRAY" construction style
        - optargs2() renamed to replace optargs() completely
        - arg() and opt() deprected
        - Arg fallback replaced by fallthru option

    New Features:
        - Utility functions cols() and rows() made public

        - (development only) Use Class::Inline instead of Mo.

        - No longer generating duplicate Getopt::Args package.

2.0.0_3 (2022-04-30)

    API / Behaviour Changes:
        - None

    New Features:
        - ANSI terminal codes are used to color output, which can be
          disabled with the new 'show_color' option.
        - New optargs2() function

        - OptArgs2::STYLE_HELPTREE output has been improved and now
          includes sub-command comments
        - OptArgs2::Pager now includes '-S' in the $LESS environment
          variable and documents this.

    Bug Fixes:
        - Fix a StatusLine import with no arguments.

2.0.0_2 (2022-02-26)

    New Features:
        - New OptArgs2::StatusLine package for terminal status lines

        - Allow OptArgs2::Pager to work independently (by splitting out
          OptArgs2::Mo into its own file)
        - Code re-organisation
        - Show SubCmd arguments in usage message

    Bug Fixes:
        - Fix for Getopt::Args2 conversion with a test

        - Minimum of perl 5.16 for package BLOCK syntax
        - Test::Output for StatusLine tests

        - Clean up non-indexed packages list

2.0.0_1 (2022-02-03)

    API / Behaviour Changes:
        - Changed OptArgs2::Pager on()/off() methods to start_pager(),
          stop_pager() and page() functions.

        - Pager will only be started for usage messages with more lines
          than the terminal height.

        - Exporter::Tidy for OptArgs2::Pager.
        - Term::Size::Perl and/or Win32::Console

0.0.12_2 (2022-01-27)

    API / Behaviour Changes:
        - New 'show_default' feature
        - Opt 'ishelp' no longer conflicts with 'trigger'
        - The 'default' and 'required' parameters are no longer allowed

    New Features:
        - New 'OptArgRef' arg type to support command aliases.  I.e.
          capturing options and arguments that are passed back into
          class_optargs() again.
        - Pipe usage messages through a STDOUT pager

        - Various minor code refactoring improvements.
        - Opt 'ishelp' now does what the documentation implies.
        - Support default values relying on other default values
        - Rework internal error reporting and usage generation
        - New usage layout showing default values

    Bug Fixes:
        - Fix a ==/= comparison/assignment error in the usage()
          function introduced by 2347144c.
        - Bool option with true default turned off when --no-bool used.

        - File::Which for new OptArgs2::Pager module.

        - Stop including ".readme_from" file in distribution

0.0.12_1 (2018-08-31)

        - Refactor error handling to make it clearer and simpler.
        - Report all caller (user) errors where they occur

    Bug Fixes:
        - The command abbreviation feature has never worked due to an
          arrayref dereferencing mistake. Discovered and fixed by Mario
          Domgoergen (mdom at Github).

0.0.11 (2018-08-18)

        - Set @CARP_NOT correctly to indicate where OptArgs2 callers
          are making errors.

    Bug Fixes:
        - Arguments that didn't match known sub-commands would fail to
          raise errors. Reported by Mario Domgoergen (mdom at Github).

        - Tests depend on Test2::V0 instead of old Bundle

        - Ensure Getopt::Args::* utility packages are not indexed on
        - Migrate back to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
        - Keep README up to date using githook-perltidy's .readme_from
          and track it in Git again so that Github shows something
          reasonable again.

0.0.10 (2018-06-26)

        - Output Sub-Commands *after* Options in usage message
        - Allow "Flag" options to have defaults as I don't remember
          what the reason may have been for the restriction. I also
          can't think of a valid one now, and it is sometimes useful to
          set a Flag value based on %ENV.
        - Convert command_names to command-names in messages

    Bug Fixes:
        - Remove Getopts/Args2.pm from MANIFEST.SKIP

0.0.9 (2016-12-03)

        - Sub commands are always called and no longer depend on a
          particular SubCmd arg type. The arg isa='SubCmd' type is now
          simply a usage pressentation instruction.

0.0.8 (2016-10-17)

    New Features:
        - New "usage()" function

        - Require at least Perl 5.10 for "//=" support.

0.0.6 (2016-07-03)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Fix command name handling broken by /r fixes in 0.0.2.
        - Correctly pass the option value to triggers
        - Use "--counter" in usage message for Counter options instead
          of "--counter="

0.0.4 (2016-05-21)

    Bug Fixes:
        - One more /r fixup
        - Build lib/Getopt/Args2.pm from Build.PL

0.0.2 (2016-05-18)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Remove the other uses of /r in regexes that I missed in
          the previous version.

0.0.1_2 (2016-05-10)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Don't use the /r modifier (non-destructive substitution) on
          regex replacements as it is not supported by Perl's earlier
          than 5.14.

0.0.1_1 (2016-05-09)

    Initial release.