0.99.0_2 (2022-02-08)

        - Set autoflush on actual output file handles (not sources)
        - Minor documentation and code cleanups

        - Re-inlined Mo v0.40.

0.99.0_1 (2021-12-22)

    API / Behaviour Changes:
        - None.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - Warn on uncollected STDERR output from child

    Bug Fixes:
        - [Security] Do not search in "." for matching executables
        - Do not force "encoding($X)" to allow for things like :raw

        - None.

        - Move to ExtUtils::MakeMaker away from Module::Build.

0.85.4 (2016-06-06)

        - Restore Makefile.PL support via Module::Build::Compat.

    Bug Fixes:
        - Do not execute commands in current directory (unless found in

0.85.2 (2016-03-11)

        - Minor documentation and distribution meta data fixes

0.85.1_1 (2016-03-03)

    API / Behaviour Changes:
        - Convert from Module-Install ("Makefile.PL") to Module-Build
            - Done by Shlomi Fish ( http://www.shlomifish.org/ ) as part
            of the CPAN Pull Request Challenge.

    New Features:
        - None.

        - 'warn' any stderr output recieved in the run() function

    Bug Fixes:
        - Pass undefined environment variables more cleanly

        - None.

0.84.0 (2015-08-29)

        - Minor formatting change in debug message.
        - Clean up this Changes file

0.83.1_2 (2015-08-14)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Move Sys::Cmd::Mo back to start of Cmd.pm.

0.83.1_1 (2015-08-14)

        - Use Proc::FastSpawn for everything except CODErefs on POSIX
        - Small efficiency changes & code refactoring

    Bug Fixes:
        - None.

0.82.0 (2015-01-29)

    API / Behaviour Changes:
        - No longer set $SIG{CHLD} for any reason - leave it to calling
          code to define such global behaviour.

        - Removed empty sections from (this) Changes file
        - Removed a dependency on the POSIX module
        - Optimized & clarified the internal fork/spawn functions
        - Minor code cleanups

    Bug Fixes:
        - Removed invalid coderef test that wasn't testing anything

0.81.8 (2014-10-31)

    New Features:
        - New Win32 support based on Proc::FastSpawn

        - Be verbose for unexpected test failures
        - Move POD back into .pm files

0.81.6 (2014-03-24)

        - Updated to Mo 0.38.

    Bug Fixes:
        - Add missing argument to _exit() call.

0.81.4 (2014-02-14)

        - Better detection & tests for non-executable target
        - Use POSIX::_exit after calling CODEref to prevent DESTROY
        - Remove unecessary warnings during DESTROY/END blocks

    Bug Fixes:
        - Prevent child process from reaping itself
        - Do not attempt to close handles on DESTROY

0.81.2 (2013-12-23)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Don't index Sys::Cmd::Mo.
        - 0.81.0 was released with a Sys::Cmd::VERSION of 0.80.3
        - Run author tests from xt/ when an author

0.81.0 (2013-12-23)

    New Features:
        - Accept CODErefs as arguments

        - Switch to a leaner Mo
        - Various test refactoring

0.80.2 (2013-02-24)

        - Switch to Semantic Versioning: http://semver.org
        - Switch to a leaner Exporter::Tidy
        - Various test and documentation updates

    Bug Fixes:
        - Properly test for UTF-8 values in environment variables:

0.08 (2012-04-21)

    API Changes:
        - Split wait_child() out of close().

    New Features:
        - SIGCHLD handler and "on_exit" subref support

        - More informative debugging output

    Bug Fixes:
        - Filehandle fixes from inherited code as described here:

0.05 (2011-09-20)

    API Changes:
        - Renamed from Sys::Command to Sys::Cmd.
        - In doing the above rename the following functionality changes
          also took place: "Sys::Command::Process" became "Sys::Cmd".
          "Sys::Command" became "Sys::Cmd::Template".
        - Split wait_child() out of close().

    New Features:
        - SIGCHLD handler and "on_exit" subref support

        - Borrowed some tests from System::Command.
        - Confess on command not found.

    Bug Fixes:
        - Add missing dependency on File::Which plus various
          test_requires modules.

0.04 (2011-06-09)

        - Hopefully fix failing tests due to not finding 'perl'

0.03 (2011-06-07)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Make Makefile.PL (and META.yml) point to correct repository.
        - Add missing Sub::Exporter dependency

0.02 (2011-06-06)

    Bug Fixes:
        - Fixed README and Sys::Command::Process Documentation errors.

0.01 (2011-06-06)

    Initial Release