Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent.
4.15 Fri Jun 6 13:00:46 CEST 2008
- the pure perl backend would keep some watchers alive when more than
one watcher was registered for the same fd.
- new "packstring" and "storable" read and write types
for AnyEvent::Handle.
- allow on_eof handler to be called after on_errro with EPIPE returns.
- do not immediately call on_read callback in handle constructor.
4.14 Thu Jun 5 20:29:31 CEST 2008
- Fixed a bug in DNS SRV priority sorting.
- AnyEvent::Util::guard now reports runtime errors while
executing the guard block as warnings.
- handle 0-byte-reads just before EOF correctly in AnyEvent::Handle.
4.13 Thu Jun 5 00:47:59 CEST 2008
- AnyEvent::DNS only followed cname chains with length 2,
contrary to documentation. bumped it up to 10, thanks to
microsoft, the current broken-dns-config-king.
- AnyEvent::DNS didn't check for socket return status
but instead relied on perl not creating filehandles in that
case - too bad it gives you a bogus file handle (reported
and analysed by Vladimir Timofeev).
- fix queue management logic in AnyEvent::Handle:
when on_read was registered, the queue was empty
and no progress could be made AnyEvent::Handle would
enter an endless loop.
- correctly start reading again when the handle became
busy again after idling.
- correctly treat tls shut-downs as EOF condition
(for the time being, would be nice to have a callback for that).
- correctly call eof callback under all conditions
- the timeout callback did not expect that $self can go
away any time.
4.12 Tue Jun 3 10:58:04 CEST 2008
- include AnyEvent::Intro, a tutorial for anyevent,
anyevent::socket and anyevent::handle.
- allow more options in on_error.
4.11 Fri May 30 23:42:25 CEST 2008
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: replace ptr by real PTR lookup, provide
reverse_lookup and reverse_verify to replace it, support
v4mapped and v4compat addresses.
- provide more documentation for the resolver class.
- really replace longest run of :0: by :: in format_address,
also properly convert :: and ::1 again.
- support NAPTR record name and decode it.
- implement random weight sampling for SRV records, as per
rfc 2782.
- correctly abort on srv-record targets of ".".
- added AnyEvent::DNS::wait_for_slot.
- in the unlikely event of a virtual circuit connection
being invalidated by a delayed udp reply, AnyEvent::DNS
could die. this has been fixed.
- plug a probable memleak in the DNS vc code.
- use configured timeout also for VC request phase.
- implement timeout and max_outstanding methods
for resolver class.
- update version numbers in all modules.
4.1 Thu May 29 05:45:40 CEST 2008
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: renamed xxx_ip functions to xxx_address
which mirrors their purpose better (old names still available
for a while). Also moved AnyEvent::DNS::addr to
- implement AnyEvent->time and AnyEvent->now.
- fix IPv6 support in pack_sockaddr.
- officially un-experimentalise all newly introduced code.
- support unix domain sockets everywhere by specifying
a host of "unix/" and the pathname as service.
- implement an activity timeout in AnyEvent::Handle.
- added a regex read type to AnyEvent::Handle.
- added a json read/write type to AnyEvent::Handle.
- always croak in on_error in AnyEvent::Handle.
- document how to subclass AnyEvent::Handle.
- implement AnyEvent::Util::fork_call.
- add support for IPv6 nameservers and nameserver statements.
- work around _yet_ _another_ windows perl bug in where empty
select masks cause errors in the pure perl backend (this
workaround cannot be implemented for the other event loops,
but EV also works around this).
- supply AnyEvent::Socket::address_type and make good use of it.
- clarify and fix the Handle documentation w.r.t $self vs. $handle
vs. callback arguments.
- add some recommends to the META.yml.
4.05 Mon May 26 19:44:06 CEST 2008
- some platforms ignore the rfc and prepend an extra sa_len member to
the sockaddr structure, cater for those. also use sockaddr_family,
didn't know it was there, but comes in handy for the workaround.
- undo the import WIN32 hack.
4.04 Mon May 26 08:03:31 CEST 2008
- try to work around yet another windows bug: failed connects are reported
as if it were out-of-band data. windows users: you suck. Only
EV, Glib, Event and the pure perl backend can handle this condition.
- optimize write algorithm in AnyEvent::Handle.
- properly parse PERL_ANYEVENT_PROTOCOLS and use the info correctly.
- tcp_connect now properly iterates through all targets.
- check wether IPv6 sockets can actually be created, otherwise, disable ipv6
support entirely. also hardcode some AF_INET6 constants for the
sake of perl 5.8.
- vastly improved nameserver/suffix detection algorithm for windows
(still a hack...)
- try to use a fallback dns server if no dns servers could be found.
- splatter around some local $SIG{__DIE__}'s to work around bad
die handlers.
4.03 Sun May 25 05:05:57 CEST 2008
- work around perl bugs on windows, where perl returns undocumented
error codes for sysread, syswrite etc.
- fix AnyEvent::Handle::unshift_read to really unshift and not push.
- AnyEvent::Handle could sometimes stumble over 0-byte writes.
- fix unpack_sockaddr, now works for AF_INET6 sockaddr's.
- updated documentation.
- lots of workarounds for perl 5.8 quirks.
- implement a more flexible type system for both reads and writes
in AnyEvent::Handle.
- support IPv6 in tcp_server.
- pass local hostname and port to the prepare callback in tcp_server.
- make types extendable in AnyEvent::Handle.
- croak, not die, in AnyEvent::Handle;
4.0 Sat May 24 19:58:08 CEST 2008
- added (experimental) AnyEvent::DNS module.
- added (experimental) AnyEvent::Socket module.
- added (experiemntal) support for TLS/SSL in AnyEvent::Handle.
- make condvar->end call ->send as documented.
- make condvar constructor support the documented cb => argument.
- overload condvars so you can use them instead of code references.
- support more of the POSIX forms instead of a pure dotted quad for
verbatim ip addresses.
- AnyEvent::Socket::inet_aton will use AnyEvent::DNS now and not fork anymore.
- try very hard not to freeze on broken windows perls.
- make on_eof optional in AnyEvent::Handle.
- support service names in tcp_connect and tcp_server.
- work around netbsd/openbsd bug causing unix sockets not to
become writable until empty.
- only make a dummy read for error detection when getpeername
returns ENOTCONN.
- defend AnyEvent::Util::inet_aton against Coro::LWP brutal
- new AnyEvent::Guard::cancel.
3.5 Sat May 17 23:17:14 CEST 2008
- gracefully deal with systems not defining CLOCK_MONOTONIC
(as opposed to not supporting the clock itself, which worked in 3.41).
- added AnyEvent::Util::tcp_connect and AnyEvent::Util::tcp_server
helpers, to replace the ill-designed AnyEvent::Socket class.
- added some examples (eg/connect, eg/handle).
- added AnyEvent::Util::guard.
- AnyEvent::Util now exports most of its functions.
- fixed a bug in *_read_chunk, where the callback was called with $self as
first and second argument.
- simplified and fixed regex handling in AnyEvent::Handle::*_read_line.
- fix manpage condvars examples to use new syntax.
- considerably improve inet_aton with EV::ADNS backend to support
cname chains (common dns configuration bug, e.g. with
and aaaa records if no a record could be found.
3.41 Sun May 11 19:53:13 CEST 2008
- work around a bug in perl 5.8.8's local. Reported by Yi Ma Mao.
3.4 Sun May 11 00:29:25 CEST 2008
- complete re-implementation of condvars with a hopefully much mroe useful
API (backward compatible functions exist but are undocumented).
- AnyEvent::Handle fully rewritten with a hopefully more powerful API
(still subject to change).
- take advantage of CLOCK_MONOTONIC, if available, in AnyEvent::Impl::Perl.
- provide AnyEvent::post_detect and @AnyEvent::post_detect, which
allows module authors to avoid forcing event loop detection.
(used by Coro::AIO, Coro::BDB, Coro::AnyEvent for example).
- remove coro backends: Coro now provides generic support for AnyEvent
via Coro::AnyEvent.
3.3 Mon Apr 28 09:51:06 CEST 2008
- added AnyEvent::Handle, AnyEvent::Socket and AnyEvent::Util modules.
- fix a bug in the pure perl backend that kept watchers alive
when multiple watchers were registered for the same fh/poll combo.
- add a benchmark section showing AnyEvent overhead and comparing
the different event loops with each other.
- prefer pure perl over tk when autoprobing, as it's about as fast,
but doesn't crash with many watchers.
- declare Qt support non-experimental.
- clarify the confusing section about the file descriptor being
kept alive.
- document the race between loading of an event module and
child processes exiting.
- support POE as "backend" (with some caveats, POE is not generic
enough, and darn slow).
- support Wx and Prima through POE.
- optimise perl backend to use 20% less memory and take advantage
of typical timeout behaviour. It can now compete with
select/poll-based C event loops in most cases (it is usually
faster than Event and Glib :).
- roughly cut EV memory use in half and increase its speed by 30%,
by removing undocumented functionality. Did something similar
to other event loops where possible.
3.2 Thu Apr 24 10:10:40 CEST 2008
- do not die when anyevent watchers are destroyed while running callbacks
in the pureperl backend (could only happen when two watchers are registered
for the same fh/poll combo).
- support autoloading for child watchers, was broken in all versions.
- implement PERL_ANYEVENT_MODEL env variable.
- (experimental) implement interface to the (very crashy/buggy) Event::Lib module.
- (experimental) implement interface to the Qt module (cannot be autoprobed).
- this release is IO:AnyEvent-proof.
3.12 Tue Apr 22 07:11:46 CEST 2008
- reinstate AUTHOR section that got lost somehow.
- do not hang in the testsuite with badly broken perls (activestate,
strawberry...), but instead diagnose the problem and continue.
- use INT instead of CHLD in an attempt to support broken windows perls
better (this decreases the test quality, unfortunately).
- do not send the signal to the process group
(no problem for CHLD, bad for INT :).
3.11 Sat Apr 19 06:57:31 CEST 2008
- major documentation rework.
- document the fact that child watchers only watch for zombies.
- fix the child watcher example.
3.1 Wed Apr 16 17:09:01 CEST 2008
- work around recurring bugs in Tk by dup'ing filehandles, the
only method with good success chances on Tk (the bugs apparently
don't get fixed anytime soon).
- lift the restriction of only one watcher per fh direction
(as the Tk bug workaround also lifts it and only Tk imposed
such strong limits).
- changed probe order to prefer coro adaptors.
- explain why recursion into the event loop is not supported
unless the backend supports it (only Coro::EV does without
any restrictions...).
- add simple manpages for all backend modules.
3.0 Mon Apr 7 21:30:23 CEST 2008
- Coro::Signal changed semantics, roll our own, also cleaning
up the Coro implementation in general.
- rename Coro backend to CoroEvent.
- add some decision helping paragraph to the manpage that should
help people to decide whether AnyEvent is the right thing for them.
2.9 Mon Jan 28 13:31:54 CET 2008
- update for EV 3.0 API changes.
2.8 Sun Nov 25 15:06:03 CET 2007
- waitpid can validly return 0. accept this fact of life
instead of reporting it to any watchers.
2.7 Fri Nov 23 11:41:14 CET 2007
- force use of AnyEvent::Impl::Perl in testsuite, there is
too much breakage outside AnyEvent.
- deliver signals synchronously in AnyEvent::Impl::Perl
or any other event loop that relies on AnyEvents child
watcher emulation. *Could* help with hanging testsuite
(except when Event or EV are installed).
2.6 Fri Nov 9 20:36:35 CET 2007
- fix bug in testsuite.
- move EV adaptor modules to AnyEvent.
- add Coro+EV adaptor module.
2.55 Tue Nov 6 17:41:32 CET 2007
- add EV to the list of supported event models.
- do not auto-reset pid watchers, pass pid and status to them.
- allow a pid of zero to watch for all children in child watchers.
2.54 Wed Jul 18 17:36:23 CEST 2007
- work around a perl bug that results in
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted without
any discernible reason or error message by once
again not use'ing strict.
2.53 Sun Jul 8 10:51:53 CEST 2007
- make Glib interface work again (spotted by elmex).
2.52 Wed Mar 7 18:36:16 CET 2007
- child watchers stopped working permanently when
all current child watchers were destroyed.
2.51 Mon Dec 11 21:33:24 CET 2006
- work around bugs in perl where eval "require Module" returns
true even if the module couldn't be loaded :/.
2.5 Mon Dec 11 02:15:28 CET 2006
- avoid $AUTOLOAD because many perls corrupt it.
- AnyEvent::detect forces autodetection.
- implement signal watchers (experimental)
(Tk does not support async signals (<= 804.027 at least),
so they might get delayed indefinitely on Tk).
- implement child watchers (experimental).
- moved default condvar implementation into base module, simplifying
most implementation modules.
2.1 Fri Nov 24 15:50:48 CET 2006
- better docs.
- simple testsuite.
- added AnyEvent->one_event method for special purposes.
2.0 Wed Nov 1 02:21:30 CET 2006
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: poll can now either be "r" or "w" but not both.
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: io watcher callbacks have no arguments anymore.
new pure-perl model added, AnyEvent now always finds a suitable
event model.
- improved documentation.
- reduced cpu overhead.
1.02 Fri Jan 13 14:15:40 CET 2006
- add COPYING to clarify license.
1.01 Sun Jan 8 05:48:09 CET 2006
- correctly cancel Event timers, avoid memory leaks.
1.0 Sun Jan 8 05:40:58 CET 2006
- allow third-party interfaces to be added at runtime.
- fix version number.
0.9 Fri Dec 30 02:25:41 CET 2005
- fixed errors in the documentation.
- going back to using $VERSION as "load check",
as suggested by Jörn Reder. Let's see why I stopped using
this method.
- add 'hup' to the list of events to receive for glib
and generate 'rw' events for it, as some versions of
glib seem to require this, while this breaks other
(older) versions of glib.
- implemented PERL_ANYEVENT_VERBOSE env variable.
0.3 Sun Dec 4 10:43:33 CET 2005
- no changes to the code.
- fixed documentation.
- clarified some corner cases.
- vastly improved documentation with a long example.
0.2 Thu Dec 1 22:18:49 CET 2005
- check whether a valid method was called, to avoid endless loops.
- move condvars into their own class (cleaner, safer).
- don't die when some modules are not available.
- Tk is too broken to allow for words. Will work once Tk works.
0.1 Thu Dec 1 19:44:57 CET 2005
- spiced up and cleaned up for release.
0.01 Tue Sep 21 18:12:09 CEST 2004
- original version; copied from Convert::Scalar.