Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent::FastPing

1.0   Sun Apr 27 17:43:24 CEST 2008
	- rename from Net::FPing to AnyEvent::FastPing.

0.9   Tue May 15 21:24:22 CEST 2007
	- document net-fping output format.
        - count iterations from 1 in net-fping.
        - clarified license.

0.02  Sun May  6 01:16:52 CEST 2007
        - randomise the magic number used a bit so multiple net-fpings
          running on the same host do not see each others' replies.
        - net-fping did not accept its floating-point arguments.
        - add -h and usage to net-fping.
        - skip ping tests when !root.

0.01  Fri May  4 02:02:04 CEST 2007
	- cloned from Convert-Scalar.