Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent::Fork::RPC

1.1   Sun Apr 28 15:48:17 CEST 2013
	- add support for the AnyEvent::Fork::Remote API.
        - switch to an ABI-independent protocol.
	- emit clearer diagnostic for some broken cpan-testers setups.

0.2   Sun Apr 21 14:26:16 CEST 2013
        - do not create a watcher when shutting down the object, shut down
          directly, to work around perl global destruction bugs.
        - expliticly call exit in child server - not elegant, but
          doesn't disturb any sane perl, and helps broken win32 perls
          to clean up.

0.1   Thu Apr 18 15:29:48 CEST 2013
	- first release.

0.00  Tue Apr 16 21:40:55 CEST 2013
	- post planning, pre writing.