Revision history for AnyEvent::MP
TODO: testsuite
TODO: intro: maybe simple job pool example?
TODO: intro: mention watchdog...
1.1 Fri Sep 11 04:34:03 CEST 2009
- bumped the transport protocol to version 1 - sorry, but there
were too many bugfixes/changes.
- new function AnyEvent::MP::cal for simple rpc.
- renamed AnyEvent::MP::Global functions to grp_reg|get|mon.
- implemented monitoring for Global groups.
- removed all userspace time-outs from the transport, instead
rely on tcp retransmit timeouts and tcp keepalive.
- spawn now delays spawns on the local node artificially, so
it can return before invoking the init function.
- break endless recursion between ping-pong ports on the local
node after ~50 iterations.
- support JSON-encoded aemp arguments.
- added aemp restart.
- support for starting init functions with parameters added.
- data_format, auth_offer and auth_accept are now configurable, albeit
not documented.
- new service: AnyEvent::MP::LogCatcher.
- rely on perl srand'ing better than we could.
- try to backport to 5.8.2, unfortunately, recursive dependencies
rely on Module::Build, which fails at 5.8.7, so YMMV.
- use a vastly different reseeding strategy.
- use seed nodes to notify nodes about new nodes.
- in the case where a ndoe learns new addresses after it tried
connecting, prefer the new addrseses over the old ones.
1.0 Wed Sep 2 20:40:43 CEST 2009
- randomise more connection times, but reduce delay to 0.2s (seeds)
and 0.05s (normal connects).
- upgrade to and require AnyEvent::Watchdog 1.0.
0.95 Mon Aug 31 22:03:55 CEST 2009
- tutorial finally covers all the basics, maybe not optimally, but it
is covered.
- rename initialise_node to configure and accepts key => value
pairs for configuration.
- give aemp a full manpage.
- bin/aemp now expects comma-separated lists and supports multiple
- new aemp eval subcommand.
- new aemp parent subcommand.
- nodes get freed when no longer needed.
- support "*" hostname to specify all local interface addresses
(without localhost etc.).
- support "*" port to specify a dynamically-assigned port (which
is the default now).
- fix per-transport memory leak.
0.9 Sat Aug 29 18:47:45 CEST 2009
- tutorial was updated to reflect the current API, but
does not touch monitoring yet.
- got rid of noderefs and slave nodes entirely, introduce
free-text node identifiers and anonymous nodes.
- document security issues with tls_anon method and introduce
optional tls_md6_64_256 method.
0.8 Wed Aug 19 07:54:50 CEST 2009
- added AnyEvent::MP::Global service.
- support "package::" names as service names.
- many, many, many bugfixes and tweaks.
0.7 Sat Aug 15 01:18:51 CEST 2009
- sorry, another major API simplification.
- greatly improved aemp configuration abilities.
- introduced profile management.
- updated exmaples in eg/.
- added Kernel::snd_to_func.
0.6 Thu Aug 13 03:15:05 CEST 2009
- do away with .aemp-secret and use .perl-anyevent-mp as json config
- introduce bin/aemp to configure nodes.
- too many changes to describe.
0.4 Sun Aug 9 18:05:49 CEST 2009
- API should now be really stable :)
- distinguish between resolved and unresolved noderefs.
- certificates in .aemp-secret are now supported.
- change port creation semantics.
- replace become_xxx by initialise_node.
- implement AE::MP::spawn.
- implement transport timeouts, monitoring, reconnecting.
- simplify and partially document the transport protocol.
0.1 Tue Aug 4 23:07:11 CEST 2009
- AnyEvent::MP API should be mostly stable by now.
0.02 Sun Aug 2 17:46:43 CEST 2009
- design has stabilised a bit, sitll unusable.
0.01 Sat Aug 1 11:43:31 CEST 2009
- dummy upload to reserve namespace on CPAN.
0.0 Thu Jul 30 06:10:15 CEST 2009
- original version, an AnyEvent::AIO clone.