#!/opt/bin/perl =head1 NAME aemp - AnyEvent:MP utility =head1 SYNOPSIS aemp command args... # protocol commands aemp snd <port> <arg...> # send a message aemp mon <port> # wait till port is killed aemp cal <port> <arg...> # send message, append reply aemp eval <node> <expr...> # evaluate expression aemp shell [<node>] # run an interactive shell aemp trace <node> # trace the network topology # run a node aemp run configure_args... # run a node aemp restart <node> # restart a node if running under watchdog # node configuration: node ID aemp setnodeid <nodeid> # configure the real node id aemp delnodeid # reset node id to default (= inherit) # node configuration: secret aemp gensecret # generate a random shared secret aemp setsecret <secret> # set the shared secret aemp delsecret # remove the secret (= inherit) # node configuration: TLS aemp gencert # generate a random certificate aemp setcert <file> # set a certificate (key.pem + certificate.pem) aemp delcert # remove certificate (= inherit) # node configuration: seed addresses for bootstrapping aemp setseeds <host:port>,... # set seeds aemp delseeds # clear all seeds (= inherit) aemp addseed <host:port> # add a seed aemp delseed <host:port> # remove seed # node configuration: bind addresses aemp setbinds <host:port>,... # set binds aemp delbinds # clear all binds (= inherit) aemp addbind <host:port> # add a bind address aemp delbind <host:port> # remove a bind address # node configuration: services aemp setservices initfunc,... # set service functions aemp delservices # clear all services (= inherit) aemp addservice <initfunc> # add an instance of a service aemp delservice <initfunc> # delete one instance of a service # profile-specific configuration aemp profile <name> <command>... # apply command to profile only aemp setparent <name> # specify a parent profile aemp delparent # clear parent again aemp delprofile <name> # eradicate the named profile aemp showprofile <name> # display given profile aemp showconfig <name> ... # display effective config =head1 DESCRIPTION With aemp you can configure various aspects of AnyEvent::MP and its protocol, send various messages and even run a node. The F<aemp> utility works like F<cvs>, F<svn> or other commands: the first argument defines which operation (subcommand) is requested, after which arguments for this operation are expected. When a subcommand does not eat all remaining arguments, the remaining arguments will again be interpreted as subcommand and so on. This means you can chain multiple commands, which is handy for profile configuration, e.g.: aemp gensecret profile xyzzy binds 4040,4041 nodeid anon/ Please note that all C<setxxx> subcommands have an alias without the C<set> prefix. All configuration data is stored in a human-readable (JSON) config file stored in F<~/.perl-anyevent-mp> (or F<%appdata%/perl-anyevent-mp> on loser systems). Feel free to look at it or edit it, the format is relatively simple. =head2 SPECIFYING ARGUMENTS Arguments can be specified just as with any other shell command, with a few special cases: If the I<first> argument starts with a literal C<[>-character, then it is interpreted as a UTF-8 encoded JSON text. The resulting array replaces all arguments. Otherwise, if I<any> argument starts with one of C<[>, C<{> or C<">, then it is interpreted as UTF-8 encoded JSON text (or a single value in case of C<">), and the resulting reference or scalar replaces the argument. This allows you, for example, to specify binds in F<aemp run> (using POSIX shell syntax): aemp run binds '["*:4040"]' =head2 RUNNING A NODE This can be used to run a node - together with some services, this makes it unnecessary to write any wrapper programs. =over 4 =item run <configure_args>... Runs a node by calling C<AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::configure> with the given arguments. The node runs under L<AnyEvent::Watchdog>, can be restarted (and autorestarted, see the L<AnyEvent::Watchdog> manual). A very common invocation is to just specify a profile using the profile name aemp run database-backend ... but you can use most arguments that C<configure> understands: aemp run nodeid mynode2 profile someprofile Care has been taken to load (almost) no modules other than L<AnyEvent::Watchdog> and the modules it loads, so everything (including the L<AnyEvent::MP> modules themselves) will be freshly loaded on restart, which makes upgrading everything except the perl binary easy. =item restart <node> Restarts the node using C<AnyEvent::Watchdog::Util::restart>. This works for nodes started by C<aemp run>, but also for any other node that uses L<AnyEvent::Watchdog>. =back =head2 PROTOCOL COMMANDS These commands actually communicate with other nodes. They all use a node profile name of C<aemp> (specifying a default node ID of C<anon/> and a binds list containing C<*:*> only). They all use a timeout of five seconds, after which they give up. =over 4 =item snd <port> <arguments...> Simply send a message to the given port - where you get the port ID from is your problem. Exits after ensuring that the message has been delivered to its node. Most useful to take advantage of some undocumented functionality inside nodes, such as node ports being able to call any method: aemp snd doomed AnyEvent::Watchdog::restart 1 =item cal <port> <arg...> Like F<aemp cal>: appends a local reply port to the message and waits for a message to it. Any return values will be JSON-encoded and printed separated by commas (kind of like a JSON array without []-brackets). Example: ask the (undocumented) time service of a node for its current time. aemp cal mynode time =item mon <port> Monitors the port and exits when it's monitorign callback is called. Most useful to monitor node ports. Example: monitor some node. aemp mon doomed =item eval <node> <expr...> Joins all remaining arguments into a string and evaluates it on the given node. Return values are handled as with F<aemp cal>. Example: find the unix process ID of the node called posicks. aemp eval posicks '$$' =item trace <node> Asks the given node for all currently connected nodes, then asks those nodes for the same, thus tracing all node connections. =back =head2 CONFIGURATION/NODE ID/SECRET/CERTIFICATE These commands deal with rather basic settings, the node ID, the shared secret and the TLS certificate. =over 4 =item setnodeid <nodeid> Set the node ID to the given string. =item delnodeid Removes the node ID again, which means it is inherited again from it's parent profile, or stays unset. =item gensecret Generates a random shared secret and sets it. The shared secret is used to authenticate nodes to each other when TLS is not required. =item setsecret <secret> Sets the shared secret tot he given string, which can be anything. =item delsecret Removes the shared secret again, which means it is inherited again from it's parent profile, or stays unset. =item gencert Generates a self-signed certificate and key, and sets it. This works similarly to a shared secret: when all nodes have it, TLS will be used to authenticate and encrypt all traffic. =item setcert <file> Set a node certificate (and optionally any CA certificates) from the given file. The file must contain the key, followed by the certificate, followed by any CA certificates you want to trust, all in PEM format. See L<AnyEvent::TLS> for some more details - this sets the C<cert> and C<ca_cert> options. =item delcert Removes the certificate(s) again, which means it is inherited again from it's parent profile, or stays unset. =back =head2 CONFIGURATION/SEEDS To discover the network you have to specify some seed addresses, which are basically C<host:port> pairs where you expect some long-running nodes. It does no harm to have a node as its own seed (they will eventually be ignored). =over 4 =item setseeds <host:port>,... Sets or replaces the list of seeds, which must be specified as a comma-separated list of C<host:port> pairs. The C<host> can be a hostname, an IP address, or C<*> to signify all local host addresses (which makes little sense for seeds, outside some examples, but a lot of sense for binds). An empty list is allowed. Example: use C<doomed> with default port as only seednode. aemp setseeds doomed =item delseeds Removes the seed list again, which means it is inherited again from it's parent profile, or stays unset. =item addseed <host:port> Adds a single seed address. =item delseed <host:port> Deletes the given seed address, if it exists. =back =head2 CONFIGURATION/BINDS To be able to be reached from other nodes, a node must I<bind> itself to some listening socket(s). The list of these can either bs specified manually, or AnyEvent::MP can guess them. Nodes without any binds are possible to some extent. =over 4 =item setbinds <host:port>,... Sets the list of bind addresses explicitly - see the F<aemp setseeds> command for the exact syntax. In addition, a value of C<*> for the port, or not specifying a port, means to use a dynamically-assigned port. Note that the C<*>, C<*:*> or C<*:port> patterns are very useful here. Example: bind on a ephemeral port on all local interfaces. aemp setbinds "*" Example: bind on a random port on all local interfaces. aemp setbinds "*:*" Example: resolve "doomed.mydomain" and try to bind on port C<4040> of all IP addressess returned. aep setbinds doomed.mydomain:4040 =item delbinds Removes the bind list again, which means it is inherited again from it's parent profile, or stays unset. =item addbind <host:port> Adds a single bind address. =item delbind <host:port> Deletes the given bind address, if it exists. =back =head2 CONFIGURATION/SERVICES Services are modules (or functions) that are automatically loaded (or executed) when a node starts. They are especially useful when used in conjunction with F<aemp run>, to configure which services a node should run. =over 4 =item setservices <initfunc>... Sets or replaces the list of services, which must be specified as a comma-separated list or a JSON array. Each string entry in the list is interpreted as either a module name to load (when it ends with C<::>) or a function to call (all other cases). Each entry which is an array itself (you need to use JSON format to specify those) is interpreted as a function name and the arguments to pass. The algorithm to find the function is the same as used for C<< L<AnyEvent::MP>::spawn >>. Example: run the globa service (which runs anyway, but this doesn't hurt). aemp setservices AnyEvent::MP::Global:: Example: call the mymod::myfun function with arguments 1, 2 and 3. aemp setservices '[["mymod::myfun", 1,2,3]]' =item delservices Removes the service list again, which means it is inherited again from it's parent profile, or stays unset. =item addservice <initfunc> Adds a single service. =item delservice <initfunc> Deletes the given service, if it exists. =back =head2 CONFIGURATION/PROFILE MANAGEMENT All the above configuration functions by default affect the I<global default configuration>, which is basically used to augment every profile and node configuration. =over 4 =item profile <name> ... This subcommand makes the following subcommands act only on a specific named profile, instead of on the global default. The profile is created if necessary. Example: create a C<server> profile, give it a random node name, some seed nodes and bind it on an unspecified port on all local interfaces. You should add some services then and run the node... aemp profile server nodeid anon/ seeds doomed, binds "*:*" =item delprofile <name> Deletes the profile of the given name. =item setparent <name> Sets the parent profile to use - values not specified in a profile will be taken from the parent profile (even recursively, with the global default config being the default parent). This is useful to configure profile I<classes> and then to inherit from them for individual nodes. Note that you can specify circular parent chains and even a parent for the global configuration. Neither will do you any good, however. Example: inherit all values not specified in the C<doomed> profile from the C<server> profile. aemp profile doomed setparent server =item delparent Removes the parent again from the profile, if any was set, so the profile inherits directly from the global default config again. =item showprofile <name> Shows the values of the given profile, and only those, no inherited values. =item showconfig <name> <key value...> Shows the I<effective> config, i.e. the values as used by a node started with the given profile name. Any additional key-value pairs specified augment the configuration, just as with C<configure>. If all arguments are omitted, show the global default config. =back =cut use common::sense; # should come before anything else, so all modules # will be loaded on each restart BEGIN { if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^\[/) { require JSON::XS; @ARGV = @{ JSON::XS->new->utf8->decode (shift) }; } else { for (@ARGV) { if (/^[\[\{\"]/) { require JSON::XS; $_ = JSON::XS->new->utf8->allow_nonref->decode ($_); } } } if ($ARGV[0] eq "run") { shift; # d'oh require AnyEvent::Watchdog; # now we can load extra modules require AnyEvent::Watchdog::Util; AnyEvent::Watchdog::Util::autorestart (1); AnyEvent::Watchdog::Util::heartbeat (300); require AnyEvent; require AnyEvent::MP::Kernel; AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::configure (@ARGV); AnyEvent::detect () eq "AnyEvent::Impl::EV" ? EV::loop () : AE::cv ()->recv; } } use Carp (); use JSON::XS; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Util; use AnyEvent::MP; use AnyEvent::MP::Config; sub my_run_cmd { my ($cmd) = @_; my $cv = &run_cmd; my $status = $cv->recv; $status and die "@$cmd: command failed with exit status $status."; } sub gen_cert { my_run_cmd [qw(openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /dev/fd/3 -batch -subj /CN=AnyEvent::MP )], "<", "/dev/null", ">" , \my $cert, "3>", \my $key, "2>", "/dev/null"; "$cert$key" } sub init { configure profile => "aemp", nodeid => "anon/"; } our $cfg = AnyEvent::MP::Config::config; our $profile = $cfg; sub trace { my ($node) = @_; my $cv = AE::cv; my %seen; my $to = AE::timer 15, 0, sub { exit 1 }; init; my $reply = port { my ($node, @neigh) = @_; @neigh = grep $_ ne $NODE, @neigh; print +(join " ", $node, @neigh), "\n"; for (@neigh) { unless ($seen{$_}++) { $cv->begin; snd $_, up_nodes => $SELF => $_; } } $cv->end; }; $cv->begin; snd $reply, seed => $node; $cv->recv; } sub shell { init; my $node = shift @ARGV || $NODE; $| = 1; print <<EOF; Entering interactive shell - no commandline editing of course (use rlfe etc.). \= display a list of nodes \=name switch to another node EOF print "$node> "; my $cv = AE::cv; my $t = AE::io *STDIN, 0, sub { chomp (my $line = <STDIN>); if ($line =~ s/^=//) { if (length $line) { $node = $line; } else { print +(join " ", AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::up_nodes), "\n"; } } else { my $time = AE::time; AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::eval_on $node, $line, port { my ($err, @res) = @_; $time = AE::time - $time; print "\n $node: $line\n"; if (length $err) { print " $err @res"; } else { print " ", JSON::XS::encode_json \@_; } printf "\n %0.3fs\n", $time; print "$node> "; }; } print "$node> "; }; $cv->recv; } sub node_eval { my ($node, $expr) = @_; init; my $cv = AE::cv; my $to = AE::timer 5, 0, sub { exit 1 }; AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::eval_on $node, $expr, port { &$cv }; mon $node, $cv; my ($err, @res) = $cv->recv; die "$err @res" if length $err; print +(substr JSON::XS->new->encode (\@res), 1, -1), "\n"; } sub docmd; our %CMD = ( snd => sub { my $port = shift @ARGV; init; snd $port, @ARGV; @ARGV = (); my $cv = AE::cv; my $to = AE::timer 5, 0, sub { exit 1 }; mon $port, $cv; my $reply = port sub { &$cv }; snd node_of $port, snd => $reply, "message sent successfully"; print join " ", $cv->recv, "\n"; }, cal => sub { my $port = shift @ARGV; init; my $cv = AE::cv; cal $port, @ARGV, sub { &$cv }; @ARGV = (); print +(substr JSON::XS->new->encode ([$cv->recv]), 1, -1), "\n"; }, mon => sub { my $port = shift @ARGV; init; mon $port, my $cv = AE::cv; print join " ", $cv->recv, "\n"; }, eval => sub { my $node = node_of shift @ARGV; my $expr = join " ", @ARGV; @ARGV = (); node_eval $node, $expr; }, shell => \&shell, trace => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "node id missing\n"; trace shift @ARGV; }, restart => sub { my $node = node_of shift @ARGV; node_eval $node, 'my $w; $w = AE::idle sub { undef $w; AnyEvent::Watchdog::Util::restart }; ()'; }, setnodeid => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "shared secret missing\n"; $profile->{nodeid} = shift @ARGV; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delnodeid => sub { delete $profile->{nodeid}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, setsecret => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "shared secret missing\n"; $profile->{secret} = shift @ARGV; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, gensecret => sub { $profile->{secret} = AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::alnumbits AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::nonce 64; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delsecret => sub { delete $profile->{secret}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, setcert => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "key+certificate pem filename missing\n"; open my $fh, "<", $ARGV[0] or die "$ARGV[0]: $!"; local $/; $profile->{cert} = <$fh>; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, gencert => sub { $profile->{cert} = gen_cert; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delcert => sub { delete $profile->{cert}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, setbinds => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "bind addresses missing\n"; my $list = shift @ARGV; $profile->{binds} = ref $list ? $list : [split /,/, $list]; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delbinds => sub { delete $profile->{binds}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, addbind => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "bind address missing\n"; my $bind = shift @ARGV; @{ $profile->{binds} } = grep $_ ne $bind, @{ $profile->{binds} }; push @{ $profile->{binds} }, $bind; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delbind => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "bind address missing\n"; my $bind = shift @ARGV; @{ $profile->{binds} } = grep $_ ne $bind, @{ $profile->{binds} }; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, setseeds => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "seed addresses missing\n"; my $list = shift @ARGV; $profile->{seeds} = ref $list ? $list : [split /,/, $list]; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delseeds => sub { delete $profile->{seeds}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, addseed => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "seed address missing\n"; my $seed = shift @ARGV; @{ $profile->{seeds} } = grep $_ ne $seed, @{ $profile->{seeds} }; push @{ $profile->{seeds} }, $seed; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delseed => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "seed address missing\n"; my $seed = shift @ARGV; @{ $profile->{seeds} } = grep $_ ne $seed, @{ $profile->{seeds} }; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, setservices => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "service specifications missing\n"; my $list = shift @ARGV; $profile->{services} = ref $list ? $list : [split /,/, $list]; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delservices => sub { delete $profile->{services}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, addservice => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "service specification missing\n"; my $service = shift @ARGV; push @{ $profile->{services} }, $service; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delservice => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "service specification missing\n"; my $service = shift @ARGV; for (0 .. $#{ $profile->{services} }) { next unless $profile->{services}[$_] eq $service; splice @{ $profile->{services} }, $_, 1; last; } ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, profile => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "profile name is missing\n"; my $name = shift @ARGV; $profile = $cfg->{profile}{$name} ||= {}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delprofile => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "profile name is missing\n"; my $name = shift @ARGV; delete $cfg->{profile}{$name}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, setparent => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "profile name is missing\n"; $profile->{parent} = shift @ARGV; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, delparent => sub { delete $profile->{parent}; ++$cfg->{dirty}; }, showprofile => sub { @ARGV >= 1 or die "profile name is missing\n"; my $name = shift @ARGV; print JSON::XS->new->pretty->encode ($cfg->{profile}{$name} || {}); }, showconfig => sub { my $name = @ARGV ? shift @ARGV : AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::_nodename; my $profile = AnyEvent::MP::Config::find_profile $name, @ARGV; @ARGV = (); # make it look nicer: delete $profile->{profile}; delete $profile->{parent}; print JSON::XS->new->pretty->encode ($profile); }, # undocumented _resolve => sub { print +(join ",", (AnyEvent::MP::Kernel::_resolve shift @ARGV)->recv), "\n"; }, ); for (keys %CMD) { $CMD{$1} = $CMD{$_} if /^set(.*)$/; } sub docmd { my $cmd = shift @ARGV; $CMD{$cmd} or die "$cmd: no such aemp command (try perldoc aemp, or man aemp)"; $CMD{$cmd}(); } @ARGV or die "Usage: aemp subcommand ... (try perldoc aemp, or man aemp)\n"; docmd while @ARGV;